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Exceedingly Violent Migrant Cartels Expand Trans-American Network

When Trump came to power in 2016, he vowed to destroy MS-13, a Los...

Pelosi’s Pal Openly Mocks “Whitest” Americans Over Weak Work Ethic

Leave it to one of Pelosi’s minions to be one of the most pro-illegal...

Pelosi Pummels “Rogue” Supreme Court In Anderson Cooper Powwow

Oh, Pelosi, Pelosi. What a pugnacious politician Pelosi has become over time. Indeed, despite the...

Swamp Initiates Sinister Plot To Ensnare Americans With Massive Dragnet

Within months of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a highly controversial piece of legislation was...

Trump Scores Enrages Ultra-Woke DA With Major Legal Triumph

The alleged “conviction” of Trump has been resoundingly condemned around the world, in large...

Biden Blows Up Over Ballooning Black Support For Trump

Even CNN has apparently decided to wake up and smell the coffee, albeit years...

Big Tech Busted Manipulating Upcoming Elections With Biased Chatbots

Major league accountability can’t come soon enough for Big Tech, especially when considering that...

Sanctuary City Deliberately Dumps Illegals Right On Red State’s Lap

Just when you thought that sanctuary cities and states couldn’t get any lower, think...

Leftist Lawmakers Shamelessly Do Iran’s Bidding In Highly Public Protest

Bernie Sanders has tried – and repeatedly failed – to become a serious presidential...

Obama Colludes With Top Dems In Scurrilous Plot To Replace Biden

In case anyone was wondering why Obama drew public attention to Biden’s on-stage freeze,...

Tajikistani ISIS Terrorists Penetrate Nation Through Wide Open Borders

Biden’s wide open borders truly appear designed to create perhaps the largest “melting pot”...

Meddlesome Obama Moves Bungling Biden Off Stage At Major Public Event

Looks like the Dems are continuing to test the public on the degree to...

51+ Intelligence Agents In Hot Water Over Weaponized Disinformation

It’s about time that the ultra-biased intelligence “community” in the United States is held...

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    The Liberty Wire is an integrity-based, American publication committed to keeping eyes on the happenings in Washington, D.C. and the rest of the country, and how they affect our lives as free citizens. When there’s government or mainstream media corruption, we’ll be ready to call it out.

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