It appears that there is absolutely no limit to the degree that a sanctuary city will coddle illegals.
Handing out catered meals, “free” hotels, and prepaid cash debit cards has been bad enough on the East Coast.
The freebies on the East Coast became even worse when companies, such as Tyson, held “job fairs” exclusively tailored to illegals.
However, it appears that the West Coast is intent on being even more divisive and destructive.
Specifically by not only coddling illegals with endless sanctuary cities, but also allowing illegals to become law enforcement officers.
That’s right: law enforcement officers.
According to a report from the Daily Mail, none other than the ultra-woke, pro-narcotics sanctuary city of Seattle has become intent
“Seattle has become the latest Dem-run city trying to replace an exodus of police officers with illegal migrants. Washington’s largest city has just 913 cops to serve its 750,000 people after losing 725 officers in the last five years …
Now its police department has tweaked the rules to allow applications from migrants who crossed the border illegally as children and are registered on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), or ‘Dreamers’, program,” the media outlet noted.
Frankly, why do Democrat cities even bother to have a police force anymore?
After all, many police were already driven out amid the “Defund Police” madness, and the few that remained were basically disabled from doing their jobs anyway.
Now, the few that are left are to serve alongside illegals?
Sounds like a recipe for total and complete dystopian disaster … just the way the Democrats like it.
Little wonder that former Seattle Lieutenant Jessica Taylor left such a scathing letter for the administration in the police department upon her departure.
Taylor, who had served as a law enforcement officer in Seattle for 23 years, was deeply dismayed by the turn the department had taken, and she made those feelings quite clear in her departure letter.
“Your controlling, bullying, and gaslighting tendencies have wreaked havoc on this department, driving away talented and dedicated officers. People are getting hurt and killed in this city, left and right …
I bet most of the citizens of Seattle would love to be able to walk outside at night or mosey into downtown Seattle and not be afraid. But they can’t, and that’s your fault. You’ve failed them. You’ve failed us,” Taylor declared.
Way to say it like it is.
And, with illegals now serving as law enforcement officers, it appears that Taylor got out right before even more disaster unfolded across the department.
One thing is for certain: More than one individual sees right through the Seattle police force’s cheap ploy to go woke, as evidenced from surveying several comments.
“Or Seattle could just look at and seriously tweak their hiring and retention practices. Maybe listen to the Union for advice. But sure, hire the people who are walking, talking evidence of their having broken the law. Way to go, Seattle. In the race to the bottom you are in the lead,” one individual drawled.
Seriously …
Author: Jane Jones

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