Leave it to Biden to hammer hardworking American taxpayers with a $5B penalty … right before Christmas.
Indeed, Biden has decided to engage in a shameless vote buying blitz, chiefly by disregarding Supreme Court rulings and brazenly “forgiving” another $5B in debt.
That brings the total “forgiveness” to $132B … while simultaneously highlighting Biden’s total disregard for national security.
As reported by Fox News, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona has blared about how important it is for the Biden regime to rob taxpayers to pay for scroungers.
“Before President Biden took office, it was virtually impossible for eligible borrowers to access the student debt relief they rightfully earned,” Cardona brayed.
“Rightfully earned?” Exactly how was debt relief “rightfully earned?”
Did they serve in the military? Oh wait … Someone can receive educational assistance through the GI Bill already if they did serve in the military.
However, most students preferred to go straight to partying, rather than service, taking out debt with no intention of imminent repayment instead.
“The data released today once again make clear that the Biden-Harris Administration’s relentless efforts to fix the broken student loan system are paying off in a big way … This level of debt relief is unparalleled, and we have no intention of slowing down,” Cardona continued.
“Broken” student loan system? Really?
The only thing “broken” about it is the government’s presence in the first place.
After all, the concept of borrowing money is pretty simple: Borrow money, repay it with interest.
Or, in the typical snowflake mindset: Borrow money, repay it with interest with other taxpayers’ money.
Little wonder that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has vowed “to reduce the size and scope of government” if he were to become President.
This reduction includes the abolition of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Department of Commerce (DOC), Department of Energy (DOE), and Department of Education (DOE).
Clearly, the Department of Education is one DOE too many.
Frankly, out of all four departments, it would be amazing to abolish the Department of “Education” first, given its devastating impact on multiple generations of Americans.
For instance, while terrible IRS policies be undone by a savvy administration, undoing the effects of a lifetime of brainwashing is vastly more challenging.
Which is precisely why the most dangerous DOE of all has got to go.
“With the Department of Education, we reverse all the transgender sports stuff … We reverse policies trying to inject the curriculum into our schools. That will all be gone. We will make sure we have an accreditation system for higher ed, which is now trying to foment more things like DEI and CRT. So, we’ll be prepared to do both. Either way, it will be a win for conservatives,”
And DeSantis isn’t just talking about the absurd curriculum of universities … he is also talking about the deranged tuition policies of universities, which have continued to escalate after the federal government began meddling in student loans.
All part of the plan to deliberately disempower the United States’ economic future.
Unless leaders with an “America First” mindset, like Trump and DeSantis, manage to take back control of the entire nation.
In fact, DeSantis baldly declared in the most recent GOP debate that a truck driver should not be responsible for paying the immense debt of a “gender studies” major.
Indeed. As more than one can agree.
“The student loan system needs to be obliterated. Once the federal govt got in the business of guaranteeing student loans the most predictable things happened. Universities started increasing the salaries of staff and administration exponentially, while raising tuitions even higher because they no longer had the worry of whether they would be paid back or not. This put the onus on the backs of American families at tuition rates never dreamed possible and certainly not worthwhile, especially based on what they are indoctrinating kids with these days,” one commenter remarked.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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