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Biden Massively Blunders On Inflation

Once again, President Joe Biden has provided a bit of humorous reprieve from the dreary headlines, especially when accounting for his most recent, humorous boast regarding the Inflation Reduction Act.

In typical Biden fashion, the boast happened to emerge just as the stock market began to suffer the worst blows since the early days of the pandemic in 2020 … due to inflation.

That’s right: As Biden bragged about all the ways in which the bill would combat inflation, other news reports surfaced indicating that inflation was worse than ever.

“[The Inflation Reduction Act is] single most important legislation passed in the Congress to combat inflation and one of the most significant laws in our nation’s history,” Biden bragged.

If only the bill was focused more on inflation than on various “green” initiatives, as evidenced by the next bits of commentary in Biden’s rambling speech.

“We’re going to fight for environmental justice and create clean energy jobs and apprentices and front-line fence communities that have been smothered by the legacy of pollution,” Biden rambled.

Ok, so which is it? Combating inflation or “fighting for environmental justice?”

And, considering the ways in which Biden keeps messing about in Europe, doing just enough to keep the war going but just too little to keep the war from stopping, he may have to worry more about a nuclear winter than global warming.

Back on the domestic side, it is very clear that this “Inflation Reduction Act” was little more than another “legal” way to usher in the tyranny of the green agenda, while the remainder of Americans suffer the consequences of elites’ wishful thinking.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy underscored the absurdity of the incorrectly named bill, considering inflation is higher than ever, especially with food products.

“Your grocery bill has never been higher. Joe Biden is celebrating. Your paycheck is being reduced by inflation. Joe Biden is celebrating. You can’t afford a home, and your retirement is in the tank. Joe Biden is celebrating. Democrats have no plan to help you and your family,” McCarthy intoned.

No kidding. That’s because the Democrats are banking on millions of illegal votes and other schemes that are a whole lot easier than crafting an actual platform worth believing in.

Political operative Greg Price also noted the rather humorous irony in Biden’s bragging about the “single most important” bill while millions of Americans’ retirement accounts are decimated.

“Will never be able to get over the image of Joe Biden speaking about how he singlehandedly beat inflation as the stock market tanks over 1,200 points on live television due to inflation. An all-time moment in the history of American presidents,” Price drawled.

Ben Williamson, who serves as the Executive Director for Freedom First PAC, also commented on the discrepancy between Biden’s bill and economic reality.

“Quite a split screen… Biden congratulating himself on the issue of inflation as the market tanks 1300 points partly due to today’s terrible inflation numbers,” Williamson remarked incredulously.

Perhaps not so humorously, the markets are poised to potentially become a whole lot worse, as evidenced by a recent statement from the Association of American Railroads (AAR) regarding a railroad strike.

“Daily lost economic output due to a nationwide rail shutdown could be more than $2 billion. The lost output would harm manufacturers, distributors, retailers and consumers; it would mean increased fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; and it would have a strong negative impact on our nation’s taxpayer-funded highway system,” the AAR warned.

That’s right: Another crisis that the Biden administration failed to adequately address is looming on the horizon, possibly disrupting supply chains quite severely in the future and plunging the economy into further turmoil.

Which is all the more reason why it is so crucial to vote all the chief architects of these disasters out in the upcoming midterm elections of 2022 and then again in the presidential elections of 2024.

Author: Jane Jones

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