Leave it to President Biden’s buddy to the north to act more woke than he is.
Specifically, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada has apparently found it appropriate to use federal funds for waging war on Christmas.
The anti-Christmas stance was detailed by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) in a recent report.
The CHRC, which receives tens of millions of dollars in annual federal funding, was founded in 1977, ostensibly for the purpose of “[ensuring] that everyone in Canada is treated fairly.”
Of course, that means that the CHRC is obsessed with seeing racism everywhere, arguing that “systemic racism is a persistent problem in Canada.”
Now, the organization has apparently decided to wage war on Christmas, as well as Easter, claiming that both are examples of “religious intolerance.”
That’s right: A federally funded program is apparently now waging war on Christmas, Easter, and any other Christian-related celebrations.
“As has often been said, no one is free until we are all free. Many societies, including our own, have been constructed in a way that places value on certain traits or identities to the exclusion of others – for example, white, male, Christian, English-speaking, thin/fit, not having a disability, heterosexual, gender conforming,” the CHRC report blared.
Wow, imagine that. Christianity is now offensive, as well as linked to “English-speaking” and “male.”
As if such characteristics were so terrible.
“Because of this, many people and communities are facing various forms of discrimination, including intersecting forms of discrimination. To address religious intolerance, it is critical to raise awareness and understanding about the various forms it takes in Canada,” the report continued condescendingly.
So, in other words, Christianity is now considered to be a source of “religious intolerance” in Canada now.
Which the report makes very clear when it singles out Easter and Christmas.
“Religious intolerance can materialize in many ways, from microaggressions, to lack of accommodation and acceptance of religious practices,” the report continued angrily, “discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism. This history manifests itself in present-day systemic religious discrimination. An obvious example is statutory holidays in Canada. Statutory holidays related to Christianity, including Christmas and Easter, are the only Canadian statutory holidays linked to religious holy days.”
So, what do the woke liberals suggest? Cancelling Christmas?
Apparently, that may be the case!
“Canada has both domestic and international obligations to protect Canadians from individual and systemic actions committed because of religious intolerance … It is imperative that individuals and organizations promote education, dialogue, tolerance, and diversity to spur cultural and societal change with the goal of making Canada more inclusive and accepting,” the report added snidely.
In other words, the report wants Canadians to cancel Christmas to be more “inclusive and accepting.”
Shame such inclusion does not extend to Christians.
Then again, this report should come as no surprise, considering the government’s assault on churches during the pandemic.
Remember when multiple pastors were arrested in Canada during the pandemic?
Calgary Pastor Tim Stephens and GraceLife Church Pastor James Coates were thrown in jail for daring to hold church services.
Little wonder the government is trying to cancel Christmas two years later.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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