Looks like some actual businesspeople have had it with Democrat antics, judging from the massive corporate exodus from crime-ridden Chicago, one of the many, many cities long run by Dems and totally overrun with crime.
Chicago also features a perpetually enraged, openly racist mayor, Ms. Lightfoot, who denigrates the police while hiring private protection, as well as rejects interactions with any journalists who are not “of color.”
Lightfoot raged about “white journalists” in 2021 before delivering her absurd “justification” for open racism.
“It’s a shame that in 2021, the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American,” Lightfoot raged.
Such a statement presumes all Americans also had equal interest (and demonstrated equal effort) to get into the City Hall press corps, but leftists like Lightfoot detest hard workers while rewarding criminals through “zero bail” policies and other pro-thug efforts.
Needless to say, such “leadership” has led to even greater rot in the Windy City, and businesspeople interested in retaining their lives have split for different pastures.
Ken Griffin of Citadel, who was the richest man in Illinois prior to his move to DeSantis’s territory in Florida, made it clear that Chicago remained “important” in his departure last year, though clearly not important enough to risk one’s life to operate there.
“Chicago will continue to be important to the future of Citadel, as many of our colleagues have deep ties to Illinois. Over the past year, however, many of our Chicago teams have asked to relocate to Miami, New York and our other offices around the world,” Griffin announced.
Wow. Chicago must be bad if murderous New York is floated as a superior alternative.
Mayor Lightfoot delivered an insincere reply to a businessman she likely loathes behind closed doors.
“We thank the Citadel team for their contributions to our city and their many philanthropic commitments, particularly around education, arts and culture and public safety. Our economic outlook has never been stronger and we will continue to build upon a best-in-class recovery in the nation amongst large U.S. cities,” Lightfoot remarked in a ghostwritten statement.
More like “best-in-class” BLM scams, considering BLM undoubtedly drove Chicago even lower than it already was.
Which is rather clear from all the departures that have emerged in recent weeks, including corporate giant Tyson Foods, which is relocating from Chicago to Arkansas.
“Bringing our talented corporate team members and businesses together under one roof unlocks greater opportunities to share perspectives and ideas, while also enabling us to act quickly to solve problems and provide the innovative products solutions that our customers deserve and value,” the company declared.
Not to mention the safety that employees deserve and value, as they face imminent assaults and other violent crime while attempting to go to work.
Caterpillar also departed from Chicago, crisply remarking that such a move was in the “best strategic interest” of the company.
“We believe it’s in the best strategic interest of the company to make this move, which supports Caterpillar’s strategy for profitable growth as we help our customers build a better, more sustainable world,” the company remarked in a formal statement.
Not to mention a more sustainable business operation in an area that dares to enforce law and order.
Boeing, another corporate giant, has also left the Windy City for safer pastures.
When Griffin departed, he did not hold back about the serious safety issues that plagued the city.
“If people aren’t safe here, they’re not going to live here,” Griffin remarked flatly, “I’ve had multiple colleagues mugged at gunpoint. I’ve had a colleague stabbed on the way to work. Countless issues of burglary. I mean, that’s a really difficult backdrop with which to draw talent to your city from.”
“A really difficult backdrop.” Probably one of the nicest, yet somewhat accurate, ways to detail a crime-ridden cesspool that could only be “led” by an openly racist Democrat.
Author: Jane Jones

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