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Dem Mayor Shamelessly Copies DeSantis’s Border Strategy

Well, well, well.

What a sudden change of heart an ultra-woke mayor has had, especially given all his bleating on about “sanctuary cities” and their value in 2021.

Mayor Eric Adams of New York City, who has spent more time coddling illegals than addressing criminals, was rather confident in his 2021 boasts.

“We should protect our immigrants. Period. Yes, New York City will remain a sanctuary city under an Adams administration,” Adams boomed in 2021.

Of course, Adams didn’t bother to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants, a rather significant distinction.

Nor did he bother to offer any kind of support or camaraderie to largely GOP governors struggling with a massive influx of illegals at the border.

On the contrary, he mocked them, in particular Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, for flying migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, a largely white, wealthy, liberal enclave … as well as where Obama purchased a $20M+ “summer home” (the same home in which he threw a mask-less birthday party for himself during the height of COVID).

“I think what we’re seeing in the city is a political stunt … I thought what really personified that political stunt is the governor of Florida. He has nothing to do with it. I mean what was his purpose of sending a plane load to Martha’s Vineyard? He just felt as though he wanted to get into this horrendous action and so we’re seeing it this political stunt of this,” Adams sniffed.

Tellingly, Adams said nothing about the “horrendous action” taken by the ultra-wealthy bleeding hearts in Martha’s Vineyard, which was to have all 48 migrants hurled off their precious little island.

Of course, it was easy for Adams to rage about “horrendous” actions taken by DeSantis, as if all-expenses paid flights to one of the wealthiest islands in the nation are “horrendous.”

Now, rather hilariously, in light of 100,000+ illegals anticipated to overwhelm New York City’s homeless shelters by 2025, Adams has suddenly changed his tune, chiefly by ripping a page right out of DeSantis’s book.

That’s right: Now Adams is offering migrants one-way flights out of the city, just as DeSantis did years before him.

The difference, of course, is that DeSantis flew migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, within the United States … whereas Adams is attempting to fly migrants to Colombia, West Africa, and a host of other nations and regions that certainly won’t coddle violent migrants like out of touch Democrats.

“When you are out of room, that means you’re out of room. Every year, my relatives show up for Thanksgiving, and they want to all sleep at my house. There’s no more room. That’s where we are right now,” Adams declared, as if illegals would respect him at all.

Hint: They won’t. Just look at how they didn’t response to Hapless Harris’s “don’t come” command.

In addition, New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ spokeswoman Kayla Mamelak went as far as to inform the Washington Examiner that, absent “decompression,” Adams will continue to attempt to buy migrants flights out of the city.

“With no sign of a decompression strategy in the near future, we have established a reticketing center for migrants. Here, the city will redouble efforts to purchase tickets for migrants to help them take the next steps in their journeys,” Mamelak declared.

Here’s an idea for “decompression,” since Adams’s bungling team still doesn’t get it …

Perhaps end the absurd, frankly illegal, practice of sanctuary cities, once and for all.

Alas, that’s an action unlikely to occur, given the recent huffing and puffing of City Council member Shahana Hanif, who is apparently embittered by the idea of New York City not accepting endless illegals.

“What we’ve witnessed from this administration – even if they’re not directly saying, ‘You’ve got to get out of here’ – is that they’ve consistently created hysteria and chaos and confusion and have not used a tone of inclusivity and welcome,” Hanif said angrily.

Oh, wow! How dare Mayor Adams use the wrong “tone” for violent criminals who have zero qualms about exploiting the nation.

How about the basic safety and security of Americans, especially as remarkably violent individuals, as well as full blown terrorists, continue to soar across the border?

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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