Gotta give DeSantis credit for always keeping Disney guessing, especially when the woke corporation unwisely attempts to circumvent a governor far smarter than their so-called “board.”
Indeed, Disney may think that it can continue to do whatever it wants with impunity, though DeSantis has some ideas regarding infrastructure development that may be a tad off-putting to the deranged corporation.
Like placing the so-called “happiest place on earth” right alongside a new prison.
“If you look at this whole special district, Walt Disney Corporation, obviously, owns a lot of it, but the district owns other land … Now people are like, ‘What should we do with this land?’ People have said, ‘Maybe create a state park, maybe try to do more amusement parks.’ Someone even said, ‘Maybe you need another state prison.’ Who knows?” DeSantis mused.
Prison, coincidentally, is where predators who prey on children belong, and it’s a real shame that Disney decided to fight against DeSantis over banning teachers from lecturing preschoolers about transgenderism.
At least DeSantis is clearly trying to prevent predators from entering the public school system through his new legislation, all while trying to keep an arrogant Disney in check.
“I just think that the possibilities are endless … So that is now going to be analyzed to see what would make the most sense. And that wasn’t necessarily even on the radar,” DeSantis added crisply.
The possibilities are “endless” indeed, especially as Disney moronically decided to double down on idiocy.
Specifically, Disney has attempted to thwart DeSantis’s legal demolition of the company’s so-called “self-governing status,” through a bizarre King Charles clause no less, otherwise known as a legislative relic not used by anyone serious.
Unless, of course, said someone is intent on fighting DeSantis, no matter how much they are inadvertently setting themselves up for failure.
Which is how such a clueless corporation is able to actually claim that its so-called King Charles clause is in “compliance” with Florida law.
“All agreements signed between Disney and the District were appropriate, and were discussed and approved in open, noticed public forums in compliance with Florida Government in the Sunshine law,” Disney sniffed.
And not at all in compliance with the voters’ will. Most likely not in compliance with the law either.
Which is why DeSantis was quite clear on what the state intends to do.
“There is a bill that will be put out in the Florida Legislature that will make sure that the agreements purported to be entered into by Disney are revoked and the people’s will is established and is upheld,” DeSantis declared.
And it will surely be enjoying to observe all of that unfold.
Frankly, Disney is starting to overestimate its relevance, compared to several decades ago, which more than one commenter was quite aware of in their remarks.
While scores of online users backed DeSantis over Disney, one individual in particular cut straight to the chase of the matter.
“When Disney first approached Florida with the Disney World proposal, we were in a much different time. Corporations were in business to turn a profit for their shareholders. Now these same corporations, including Disney feel that have to have a political stake in cancel culture and woke society that represents a very small percentage of the population. So, if they decide it’s worth it for them to cater to that percentage and vilify the larger percentage of the populace so be it. We’ll have to see if the board of directors are fine with lower profits and how the shareholders react,” the commenter observed.
Go woke, go broke … and, in the case of Disney, enjoy the potential prison facilities right next door.
Author: Jane Jones

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