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“Giddy” Clinton Cackles Over Stunning RICO Indictment

While Hillary Clinton may be many things, self-aware isn’t one of them.

Either that, or she is completely self-aware and completely confident in the total absence of critical thinking amongst her lemming followers.

After all, Clinton has now been directly associated with pushing shameless lies on the American public for years regarding Trump’s so-called “Russian collusion,” which has now been widely disproven.

Now, after the latest weaponization of the “justice” system against Trump, Ms. Clinton is all too eager to give her worthless two cents to the American people.

“He set out to defraud the United States of America and the citizens of our nation,” Clinton brayed.


And precisely what did Mr. Bill Clinton do when brazenly selling out American technology to Chinese communists in the 1990s, all in exchange for a few metaphorical shekels?

“I don’t know that anybody should be satisfied. This is a terrible moment for our country to have a former president accused of these terribly important crimes,” Clinton continued, feigning sympathy for the national polarization her team has fueled since 2016.

If those comments were bad, her remarks on the so-called justice system are really bad.

“The only satisfaction may be that the system is working,” she added arrogantly.

Wow. Ms. Clinton has the gall to claim that the system is working?!

If one is a conservative, certainly … just look at what the FBI recently did to a disabled 75-year-old American.

If one is a Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, Obama, or other political elite … the system is most certainly not working.

After all, Clinton is lambasting Trump for questioning the election when she herself has openly, and repeatedly, stated that he was an “illegitimate” president.

“No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president … I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories – he knows that – there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did,” Clinton brayed during one of her many interviews in 2019, years after her predictable loss.

And, perhaps most disgustingly, Clinton promoted active disinformation regarding Russian collusion … information she herself had her goons cook up.

In 2017, Clinton was asked during yet another interview whether or not she would “completely rule out questioning the legitimacy of this election if we learn that the Russian interference in the election is even deeper than we know now.”

“No. I would not … I wouldn’t rule it out,” Clinton brayed.

So, in other words, the system is “working” just fine for Clinton.

For conservatives? Not so much.

“In many ways, Trump is the embodiment of everything they had been working toward, and the perfect Trojan Horse for Putin … No foreign power in modern history has attacked us with so few consequences, and that puts us all at risk,” Clinton added at the time.

Needless to say, years later, Trump has been totally exonerated with actual evidence.

Rather tellingly, it is none other than Biden who has been busted taking multiple millions from Russians while he was Obama’s vice-president.

If anything, Obama likely told Biden to stand down and let Hillary run in the 2016 elections instead, if only due to his direct knowledge of, if not direct engagement with, Biden’s shameless profiteering.

And, for all her shameless efforts at being dismayed by the so-called “terrible” times for the country, the Daily Mail reports that Clinton “appeared visibly giddy” following yet another indictment.

Fortunately, most individuals do not appear impressed by Clinton’s feigned concern for the nation.

“Speaking of a election denier,” one commenter drawled.

“Says the disbarred inventor of the entire Russia collusion hoax,” another commenter added coldly.

Says every single American taxpayer who continues to (unwillingly) fund Biden’s shoveling of hundreds of billions of dollars into Ukraine while simultaneously issuing a cold “no comment” to the wildfires raging across America’s 50th state.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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