“Another day, another ridiculous PR stunt by Hunter Biden.”
So spoke GOP Whip Tom Emmer, who was completely aghast by Hunter Biden literally crashing the Capitol for a 17-minute, “made for TV” appearance, overpaid lawyers in tow.
It’s safe to say that Hunter was hardly invited to a closed door Republican hearing, and it’s also safe to say that he has been endowed with so much privilege that he can crash the Capitol, lawyers and reporters in tow, with total impunity.
Needless to say, a certain level of irony exists when “President” Biden just spent an entire (not very presidential) address ranting and raving over January 6 protestors crashing the Capitol … and his own son crashed the Capitol a few days later.
“If this is the Biden family’s strategy to distract the American people from their disturbing pattern of corruption, it’s a pointless one,” Emmer added pointedly.
Seriously. If anything, all Hunter’s stunt did was draw attention to the fact that drug-addled Democrats can apparently crash the Capitol, and that’s just fine.
However, sober, conservative Americans are hurled into prison, deprived of due process, and forced to await deeply biased court proceedings.
Hunter, meanwhile, has zero concerns about being thrown in jail, and what’s even more striking is the fact he crashed the Capitol after ignoring a subpoena.
Representative Nancy Mace was outraged by Hunter brazenly flouting the law, demanding to know who “bribed” the First Son to do so.
“Who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today? You are the epitome of white privilege coming into the Oversight Committee spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed,” Mace remarked angrily.
Isn’t that the truth. Biden privilege, really, as Hunter has evaded millions in taxes and continued to live a life of extreme luxury in one of the most expensive areas of the United States.
The same area inhabited by his “sugar brother,” who very well may be the one who “bribed” Hunter to crash the Capitol.
Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris has garnered a reputation as a “sugar brother” to Hunter, allegedly paying at least $2.8M of Hunter’s tax bill, alongside $4.9M for Biden’s housing, legal fees, car payments.
One would think that with all Hunter’s illegal monies garnered from the Russians, Ukrainians, and Chinese would have set him for life, but that would require not blowing it all on human-trafficked prostitutes and narcotics.
So, lo and behold, in comes a super sincere Hollywood lawyer who allegedly has Hunter’s best interests at heart.
“I don’t know where I would be if not for Kevin … And I don’t mean just because he has loaned me money to survive this onslaught, I mean because he has given me back my dignity. He’s been a brother to me,” Hunter brayed.
Oh, sure. A Hollywood lawyer cozying up to the president’s son surely has nothing but good intentions in mind. Right.
In fact, even Hunter himself can’t spell out a single good intention his so-called “sugar brother” has.
“What was in it for Kevin? I think that you don’t truly understand or know Kevin if that’s your question,” Hunter asserted.
Actually, Mr. Hunter, judging from the recent crashing of Capitol Hill, it’s abundantly evident “what is in it” for Kevin – the chance to get even richer and more famous.
After all, Hunter’s “sugar brother” is apparently cooking up some demented reality show, starring the first son, and all his self-inflicted trials and tribulations.
As succinctly stated by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, Hunter crashing the Capitol was clearly a “made-for-TV publicity stunt.”
“The Congressional subpoena served to Hunter Biden was for a closed-door deposition, not a made-for-TV publicity stunt. These terms are not negotiable,” Smith remarked tersely.
Even more humorously, Hunter fled questions from Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has long had Hunter’s number.
“I think it’s clear and obvious for everyone watching this hearing today that Hunter Biden is terrified of strong conservative Republican women because he can’t even face my words as I was about to speak to him … What a coward,” Greene drawled.
Regardless, it appears that Hunter may well have been under the influence, as he should have recognized that crashing the Capitol, just days after his father’s rampaging about January 6, wasn’t the brightest idea.
Especially when more than one media outlet and Democrat is questioning Biden’s viability as a candidate moving forward.
A son who crashes the Capitol, when Biden’s whole “campaign” is based on the events of January 6, is hardly going to help matters.
Looks like Biden will really have something to scream about now.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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