Kamala Harris Sides With Terrorists Behind Closed Doors

Seems like Ms. Kamala Harris is trying to distinguish herself from Biden in more than one way.

Even if that means apparently siding with terrorists behind closed doors. For “humanitarian” reasons, of course.

Indeed, Ms. Harris has just made headlines for apparently trying to undermine support for Israel, despite the fact Israel is a longstanding American ally that just suffered from a devastating terrorist attack.

“Vice President Kamala Harris has been telling colleagues in the administration that she wants the White House to show more concern publicly for the humanitarian damage in Gaza, where Israel is locked in a bloody and prolonged battle with Hamas, according to three people familiar with Harris’ comments …

Harris’ private push to shape the White House message about the war reflects the extent to which Democrats – even the top two officials in the country – are struggling to walk a careful line about the Israel-Hamas war, amid a gruesome conflict that has rattled the Democratic political coalition down to the local level,” Politico reported.

It’s hilarious to watch how quickly Democrats turn on each other when one isn’t doing so hot.

At the moment, President Biden is hardly on fire, given that his approval ranking has sunk to an abysmal 40 percent. Not that the president is terribly cognizant of that reality, however.

Just consider his feedback when reporters asked him about the rapidly intensifying competition with Trump in the forthcoming election.

“There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ten other polls, and every one we are winning – except the two we are tied … the point is, the CNN and New York Times polls are the only ones you heard about. So, your money is not wasted,” Biden brayed.


Except for the fact that both CNN and the New York Times are avowedly leftist, and if they are revealing bad news for Biden, he should probably take note.

Especially when the bad news pertains to his archrival, Donald Trump.

For instance, the New York Times shows Trump beating Biden in 80 percent of battleground states.

In addition, CNN also shows Trump beating Biden altogether by a margin of 4 percent.

So, Biden may continue to disregard reality, but it appears that his vice president cannot.

“We’re going to have to earn our reelect, there’s no doubt about it,” Harris bemoaned to CNN.

No kidding. That’s because the Biden-Harris disaster has led to unprecedented damage on domestic and international fronts.

“I have a great sense of duty and responsibility to do as much as I can, to be where the people are and to not only speak with them, but listen to them and let them know what we’ve accomplished,” Harris added insincerely.

Oh, sure.

Harris feels “a great sense of duty” to herself, no doubt, but hardly towards the American people.

Heck, she doesn’t even feel a sense of duty to Biden, who she routinely attacked at the start of her ultimately aborted presidential campaign.

“To be honest, I’ve not compared this cycle with what previous vice presidents have done in a reelect,” Harris continued.

Well, gee. Perhaps because Harris has no tangible achievements to promote?

Aside from illegal migrants ignoring her ineffectual “don’t come” command.

That said, at least Harris has somewhat of a grasp on reality.

Biden surely doesn’t.

“The Biden-Harris agenda has taken hold,” Biden boomed.

Has it ever. Americans are well aware. Alongside enemies of America.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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