Another day, another call to effective war.
Though this time, it isn’t BLM … it’s the woke former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann.
Apparently, Olbermann believes that red states should “starve” for not having insanely strict gun laws.
That’s right: Olbermann actually used the word “starve.”
“WE MUST HAVE ECONOMIC CIVIL WAR … There is only one way to stop Mass Shootings. The Blue States must financially starve the Red States, the Gun Lobby, the GOP, the Death Lobby, and the crooked judiciary into submission. NOW,” Olbermann declared on Twitter.
Gotta love how a leftist wants to solve gun violence … with violence. And all caps on Twitter, the ultimate keyboard warrior!
Olbermann also uploaded a video rant on Twitter, where he bizarrely claimed that America is “owned by guns.”
“We are owned by guns. And therefore, there is only one way to stop the mass shootings. It is to suffocate the businesses that make billions of dollars in profits off guns, to destroy the gun lobby – the death lobby – and the Republican Party that defends those lobbies and those businesses,” Olbermann ranted.
And Biden defends open borders and zero-bail policies that significantly augment the prevalence of these crimes in the first place.
“And the only way to do that is an economic civil war. The blue states have all the money, they must starve the red states into submission, or another 600,000 Americans will be murdered in the next 10 to 12 years,” Olbermann blared.
Eh … the blue states have all the money?
What about the oil industry in Texas?
What about the economy of Florida?
What about too many other incidents to name?
Moreover, what good is paper money if the cities are devoid of food and water?
Furthermore, did it ever occur to Olbermann that letting violent criminals out repeatedly might, just might, contribute the ongoing debt crisis.
Needless to say, other media sources have found a positive correlation between the Second Amendment and reduction of violence.
“Fox News Digital analyzed local media reports going back to 2020 and found that there have been at least 44 incidents in which people with a gun, who had concealed carry permits (CCW) or an FOID, an Illinois identification card used for gun possession and purchase, have thwarted an attack or other crime. There may have been additional incidents that have not been reported by the media or to local police,” the outlet reported.
Those facts are rather inconvenient for Olbermann, who is clearly dying to pin all the world’s calamities on conservative individuals.
Raging about authorities who dare to investigate classified documents improperly held by Biden … for years
“We’re really going to do this again? We’re really going to do Hillary Clinton’s emails again? We’re really going to do whataboutism and both sides-ism again?” Olbermann ranted.
“Both sides-ism?” What? Whatever he is talking about is unclear, but he is also clear that he is uninterested in alternative facts that don’t support his (fundamentally warped) narrative.
Twitter users, for the most part, were reasonable aside from diehard leftist sycophants.
“It’s the only thing that works. The last civil war was economic. Now we need to free the blue majority from red tyranny,” one sycophant whined.
Red tyranny? What? What planet is this Twitter user on?
Luckily, other tweets offered far more salience.
“Just when I thought I’d seen enough dumb things on Twitter, this might be the dumbest idea of all time. Nice work Keith, you continue to demonstrate how people on the far fringes of the flat earth are equally ridiculous” one person asserted.
“Hate to inform you but red states can survive Blue states can’t. Go ahead and run a farm in the streets & grow food on your sidewalks! Guess who eats and who won’t,” another user added.
Very fair point. Food trumps paper money any day, especially in the event of scarcity.
Though elitist Manhattanites do not usually think in those terms.
Other commenters however, can.
“Cut the Colorado River off and the other aquafers that feed the LA basin and California withers away into nothingness,” one commenter drawled.
Seriously … may woke ideology “wither away into nothingness” as well.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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