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Republican Shreds FBI’s Targeted Conservative Attacks

Gotta love it when the GOP calls out ultra-corrupt federal agencies for exactly what they are.

And once such agency absolutely includes the good old FBI, otherwise known as the entity that helped hand the 2020 election to Mr. Biden on a silver platter.

However, that incident, in which the FBI suppressed information regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop, is one of several that has revealed the generally deep state of the compromised agency.

Which is precisely why Republicans in Idaho have banded together to pass a resolution condemning the FBI and calling for its abolition, should the agency refuse to make changes.

Idaho GOP chairwoman Dorothy Moon made this position, which was shared unanimously, quite explicit.

“All federal agencies need to be held accountable for their actions, especially when US citizens are harmed or their constitutional rights are violated … This resolution calls for accountability within the FBI, and reformation to ensure that they respect the rights of American citizens. Our Idaho Republican state central committee voted unanimously to pass this resolution,” Moon proclaimed.

Idaho, which may eventually absorb parts of Eastern Oregon, illustrates precisely why conservatives are far more sensible and balanced.

Which is especially evident throughout the resolution, which details a variety of ways in which the FBI has been deeply derelict in its duties.

Especially as they pertain to Trump and destroying American freedoms.

WHEREAS the Washington Post has confirmed that the FBI had foreknowledge of the events that transpired on January 6th, and …

WHEREAS the FBI has targeted the Catholic Latin Mass community with surveillance, undercover agents, and libelous internal memos, which have terrorized and caused harm to these everyday conservative Christian patriots; and

WHEREAS the FBI has targeted concerned parents who have been outspoken at school board meetings for surveillance; and

WHEREAS the FBI has been weaponized against President Donald J. Trump, by raiding Mar- A-Lago at the unethical, politically motivated behest of Attorney General Merrick Garland; and

WHEREAS these actions undermine the trust that the American people have in their government and threaten our constitutional rights,” the resolution ominously details.

So, in other words, January 6 provided the perfect excuse for the FBI to terrorize Americans and shut down all political opposition to the Dems.

The resolution also called for explicit action, in the event that the FBI declines to make substantial changes and return back to the “root causes” of why it was founded in the first place.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Idaho Republican State Central Committee condemns the Federal

Bureau of Investigation for its misconduct, government overreach, and politically motivated weaponization; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Idaho Republican State Central Committee calls for a reform of the FBI, to ensure that it operates within the confines of the Constitution and respects the rights of American citizens; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the FBI cannot be reformed to operate within the confines of the Constitution with respect for the rights of American citizens, the Idaho Republican State Central Committee supports the abolition of this corrupt government agency,” the resolution proclaims.

Now, that’s some real food for thought. Rather than untenable reparations, which will likely never be paid, abolition of a wholly ineffective, deeply biased federal agency might be an excellent way to bring America back to the greatness that was reinvigorated under Trump.

Moreover, the abolition is even more justified when thinking about the importance of protecting American citizens, especially conservative ones.

Especially as the “[FBI’s] actions have directly led to the terrorization of American Citizens,” notably of the conservative variety.

With any luck, other states will follow Idaho’s impressive lead, undermining deranged Dem-FBI power collusion all along the way.

Author: Jane Jones

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