White House Provokes Massive Russian Retaliation With “First US Missile”

Well, that escalated quickly.

For a seemingly interminable period of time, Biden insisted that any American weaponry sent to Ukraine would be for defensive purposes only.

In other words, Ukraine was not to use US missiles and whatnot for offensive strikes against Russia.

Apparently, Biden has decided to forgo that requirement entirely, as evidenced by Ukraine launching the “first US missile” directly into Russia.

For reference, Biden basically claimed or strongly implied that the war with Russia would be over effectively momentarily.

After all, who can forget Biden blaring, “No more!” in his 2022 “State of the Union” address with regards to Putin.

Well, Putin clearly recognized weakness immediately, called Biden’s bluff, and continued to launch an ultra-violent invasion against Ukraine.

Like all wars, the globalist elites continue to thrive while the soldiers and real workers suffer. A massive travesty.

One that neither Putin nor Biden seem interested in ending, as Ukraine has now been instructed to effectively rev up its attacks against Russia.

“Ukraine last night claimed it successfully hit a missile system inside Russia using U.S. weapons. It said the country’s forces destroyed Russian missile launchers with a strike in the Belgorod region. Senior politician Yehor Chernev claimed Ukrainian forces used a High Mobility Rocket Artillery System, or HIMARS …

It comes just days after the U.S. granted permission for Ukraine to fire American weapons into Russia,” the Daily Mail reported.

Well, how about that. So much for a potential ceasefire.

What’s especially concerning is the fact that feckless French President Macron, perhaps the ultimate globalist, has declared the possibility of putting French boots on the ground in Ukraine.

Which, in effect, would involve the entirety of NATO in the war.

While Macron floated this idea in February, he apparently floated it again recently, per a recent report from the Washington Post.


On a humorous note, NATO is now apparently preparing for the idea of a “drone wall” to offset attacks from Russia.

“NATO countries are set to collaborate to create a ‘drone wall’ on the security alliance’s eastern flank that aims to provide round-the-clock monitoring of threats across the border from Russia and Belarus. Six nations sharing a land border with Russia or Belarus – namely Finland, Norway, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia – will pool resources to ensure thousands of military-grade and consumer drones can patrol the skies over their eastern regions …

The drones will primarily be used for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), but Rinkevics said attack drones may also be included in the fleet for defence purposes,” the Daily Mail added.

Seems like the United States border could benefit quite a bit from a similarly high-tech border.

Strange that NATO is just fine with a “drone wall” against Russia, yet Trump’s plan for a border wall in the United States is routinely met with supreme derision from European elites.

Who have clearly grown way too comfortable in their socialist “paradises” increasingly infiltrated by weaponized illegals, and still haven’t learned from their ways despite multiple terrorist attacks across the continent over the last several years.

Author: Jane Jones

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