One can only hope that a candidate as pro-MAGA as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis considers a presidential run in the future.
Especially given his rightfully militant stance on illegal migration.
Not only does DeSantis vow to provide any and all help necessary to the Trump-led federal government with deporting illegals, he is also enhancing state-level responses to complement the feds.
DeSantis is particularly concerned with broken practices that continue to favor illegals over Americans, especially in terms of education and employment.
Which is why he is struck straight at the heart of ultra-liberal colleges that brainwash students into thinking illegal migration and transgender madness is great.
According to a report from the New York Post, lawmakers in the Sunshine State are advancing legislation to prevent illegal migrants from attending colleges and universities.
A proposal for the bill has been brought forth by Florida State Senator Randy Fine, following a special legislative session recently called by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Currently, Fine is presently running to replace Representative Mike Waltz’s seat in Congress, as Waltz has been tapped by President Donald Trump to serve as national security advisor.
And his latest proposal will provide even more fuel for him to run on, given that it addresses a major issue.
Indeed, Fine’s bill is quite timely, given that an estimated 1.2 million illegal migrants are already in the state.
Perhaps even more, recalling that the Biden-Harris administration flew hundreds of thousands of illegals into Miami International Airport, the #1 recipient of taxpayer-funded flights for unvetted migrants.
AP News observed that Florida International University, along with the University of Florida and Florida State University, would be directly impacted.
“Is it fair to allow an illegal immigrant to take a spot that could be taken by a Floridian or an American? I would argue no,” Fine declared.
That’s putting it mildly.
On top of that, illegals do more than take spots from American citizens … they also take advantage of highly favorable tuition rates
Rather astonishingly, not only can illegals currently attend school in Florida, but they qualify for in-state tuition rates.
Needless to say, American citizens who hail from Georgia, Louisiana, and every other state would be forced to pay far higher tuition rates.
In addition, legally present international students pay even more.
Hilariously, despite receiving deeply discounted tuition, illegals likely use federal student loans to fund their education, further illuminating exploitation of a system that has been long broken.
Heck, they’re probably right up there with spoiled brat liberals demanding “student loan forgiveness,” for no apparent reason aside from extreme entitlement.
Which is precisely why Republicans such as DeSantis, and those who work alongside him, like Fine, are attacking illegal immigration with a multi-pronged approach.
Moreover, unlike Comrade Kamala, they are addressing the real “root causes” of the problem … excessive, taxpayer-funded “freebies.”
Known in economics as “incentives” for illegals … and deadweight losses for Americans.
“We don’t have any lingering incentives for people to come into our state illegally,” DeSantis declared.
Without a doubt.
Keep up the strong governance, DeSantis … under your leadership, Florida has become undeniably conservative, wielding significant weight in presidential elections and profoundly influencing the nation’s future.
May such an influence continue …
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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