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Harris Delivers Hilariously Delusional Speech

Within the first few days of 2023, Vice President Kamala Harris has declared a rather hilarious speech, filled with empty platitudes and, as is common with the Democrats, absolutely no plan whatsoever for implementing her grand vision.

Thus, in case you were wondering where Harris is, she’s here to let you know that she’s more present than ever, even if she detests how she is portrayed in the media.

After all, everyone should appreciate her ghostwritten vision the way she does!

Just ask any of the dozens of staffers that have quit in recent years.

Then again, consider how Harris talks to the media … as the phrase “sharpest knife in the drawer” hardly comes to mind.

Quite the opposite.

Just consider her word salad response to the Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade.

During a CBS interview in July, Harris apparently demonstrated displeasure, though the displeasure was expressed poorly.

“I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled,” Harris drawled.

Well, all right then. Anyone else able to make sense of that? Because this writer can’t.

Certain clarity should be “settled” by the time one is giving national/international interviews, but Harris was so greedy for power she failed to grasp the most basic of basic communication skills, especially for diverse audiences.

In remarks to the Washington Post, Harris made equally nonsensical remarks last month, apparently angered that the media doesn’t give her the respect she believes she deserves.

“There are things that I’ve done as vice president that fully demonstrate the strength of my leadership as vice president that have not received the kind of coverage that I think [the] Dobbs [decision] did receive,” Harris raged while complaining that the media apparently didn’t lavish her with attention in 2022.

Never mind the war in Europe and the crisis at the border, Harris is ticked she didn’t get her participation trophy from the media.

Maybe she’ll finally start to realize that the media loved her for checkbox qualifications during Biden’s so-called “campaign,” and that once Biden was in power, she was pretty much irrelevant as the woke cast their votes by then.

But of course, Harris prattles blithely on about a bright future anyway, one that she’s failed to engender since assuming “power.”

“I’ve never been more optimistic about our future. Today, standing with [President Joe Biden] and other members of the Cabinet, we discussed our plan for 2023. Together we will deliver on lowering inflation, creating more jobs, and building an economy that works for everyone,” Harris declared.

Well, isn’t that a nice wish list appropriate for the United States of Utopia.

Needless to say, Harris gave few details for her platitudes.

“We invested an additional $12 billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the community, and understand the needs and desires of that community as well as the talent and capacity of community,” Harris declared.

Well, that’s a start. Any other investments? Any? How about curtailing the federal spending, which is largely driving up inflation in the first place?

To be fair to Harris, she may well be a tad sharper than Biden, as Harris clearly knows (and dislikes) her position.

Biden, however, doesn’t appear to know that she’s vice president half the time.

On the contrary, he oftentimes identifies her as “president.”

Just consider his recent remarks on Harris with regards to the border.

“President Harris led this effort – led this effort to make things better in the countries from which they are leaving,” Biden boomed.

“President Harris” is responsible for the no-effort effort at the border? Well, that’s something.

Aside from mislabeling Harris, again, way to deflect all the fault onto her …

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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