Gotta love it when clueless Democrats don’t realize they’re on candid camera, especially in public places.
Especially when the Democrat is one who has just been literally handed the chance ot be president … which would be none other than Comrade Kamala.
Alas, Comrade Kamala apparently lacks substantial political savvy, given the fact that she doesn’t realize the importance of discretion in public.
Which was just hilariously captured by varied microphones.
As reported by Fox News, hapless Harris attempted to look relevant to the American public by meeting with none other than ultra-woke Governor Gretchen Whitmer at the Trak Houz Bar and Grill.
Harris and Whitmer knocked back beers, attempting to appeal to voters, though Harris unwisely took the same opportunity to grumble about men who don’t support her.
“So, my thing is we need to move ground among men,” Harris ranted.
A rather hilarious admission, considering that quite a few men clearly didn’t take Obama seriously when he ordered them all to vote for Comrade Kamala.
Then, Comrade Kamala apparently realized she was being recorded admitting what everyone else already knows.
“Oh, we have microphones in here just listening to everything … I didn’t realize that!,” a “flustered” Harris exclaimed.
You didn’t realize that, Ms. AI Czar? How can someone who is the supposed AI chief not be aware of the fact that cameras and microphones are literally everywhere … everywhere remotely inhabited, that is.
And it is true … Comrade Kamala is losing, quite a bit, against Trump when it comes to the male vote.
“The GenForward poll from the University of Chicago that was released last Wednesday revealed that 26 percent of Black men between the ages of 18 and 40 said they would vote for Trump, while only 12 percent of Black women said the same. This is a significant gain since Black voters overall supported Biden over Trump by a nine to one ratio in the 2020 presidential election,” Fox News detailed.
Excellent. Sounds like a great trend for the forthcoming election day.
“Trump also improved with young Latino men, 44 percent of whom said they would support him compared to about 38 percent who voted for him in 2020. Even so, Harris leads Trump overall 47-35 in the poll, which includes large samples of young voters of color,” the media outlet added.
Well, that’s not hard to see why.
After all, millions of legal immigrants who pay taxes and contribute are likely quite peeved at the red carpet welcome to criminal illegals.
And they are undoubtedly voting in favor of the mass deportation promised by Trump.
Author: Jane Jones

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