In case you’re wondering how on earth Hunter Biden’s questionable wife remains with him, despite all the allegations of human trafficking, narcotics abuse, and dangerous foreign business dealings, wonder no further: She’s just like him.
Indeed, Ms. Melissa Cohen, who married Hunter after knowing him a grand total of six days, has stood by “her man’s” side, much to the amazement of varied individuals.
However, based on the most recent revelations from Hunter’s landowner, it appears that she is cut from the exact same cloth he is.
Which would apparently include routinely engaging in drug abuse while skipping out on massive bills.
Not only did Hunter decline to pay taxes on at least $8M+ of income from shady foreign business dealings, but he apparently declined to pay rent on a multi-million dollar mansion in Venice Beach, California.
Per a recent report from the Daily Mail, Hunter and his wife have recently moved out of an expensive home in Venice Beach, an area known to be laden with droves of homeless and corresponding drug abuse.
And, rather shockingly, if unsurprisingly, Hunter and his wife declined to pay a balance of at least $80,000.
Which is rather ironic, considering Hunter received at least $80,000 per month while serving as a “board member” of an ultra-corrupt Ukrainian energy company.
Clearly, saving and investing is not Hunter’s strong point, or he is simply so arrogant that he feels he can walk all over landlords just like he’s walked all over the IRS, DOJ, and too many other federal agencies to count.
Not only did they skip out on at least $80,000 worth of rent, but they apparently trashed the house as well, per a “well-placed source.”
“Hunter and Melissa were horrible tenants. Not only did they stiff the owner for months of rent, they left the house in terrible condition … hey were totally disrespectful of Jonathan and [his wife] Leora’s property,” the source revealed.
Unsurprisingly, Hunter’s wife is also apparently a piece of work herself, as well as a perfect match for the narcotics- and prostitute-addled “First Son.”
“Melissa was rude and entitled. They destroyed the stereo equipment in the home and when someone came to fix it, they were uncooperative. They also left the place dirty,” the source added.
Truly, it is fitting that Hunter and his wife would opt to reside in California, perhaps one of the most egregious examples of failed Democrat policies.
While Venice Beach has been dodgy for decades, it has become downright unsafe in recent years, especially as Democrats have openly encouraged open drug abuse in the state, alongside zero bail and other policies designed to provoke total anarchy, a la Soros.
Oh, and don’t forget the fact that the entire state of California is basically a “sanctuary” for illegals, who are getting filthy rich trafficking fentanyl that primarily originates from Beijing.
One of the many ways in which Biden is paying back his paymasters.
In other words, a perfect habitat for Hunter and his hangers on, like his brainless, gold digging wife.
Hunter’s wife, who has been photographed with marijuana in the past, has clearly taken great pleasure in reaping the material benefits of Hunter’s shady business dealings, to the extent that she apparently perceives herself as some form of American royalty.
Alas, unlike the British royals, Hunter and his wife totally trashed a home in an already trashy area, which is behavior befitting of totally shameless criminals.
Then again, to be fair, at least Hunter and his wife left zero doubt about who they really are.
Author: Jane Jones

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