You know when snowflake millennials have gone way too far in their “protests” when even the mainstream media weighs in on their apparent inability to deal with, well, anything that isn’t sunshine and rainbows.
Typically rainbows of the LGBTQ+ variety.
To be fair, the media created the very monsters that it now calls into question, with nonstop lies about Trump for 8+ years and counting adding fuel to the fire of leftist intolerance, and, more often than not, violence.
Including extreme violence against children, as the most recent mass shooting tragedy revealed.
Curiously, the media paid vastly more attention to Kyle Rittenhouse defending himself than they do to a transgender mass murderer, and then the same media wonders why the country is falling apart.
And when it comes to outrage, millennial memories are long, as evidenced by the response to Columbia University inviting Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to speak.
On the official Instagram page for Columbia Law School, the university proudly announced his arrival.
“During the visit, they learned about the human side of being a justice, the Court’s deliberation process, and how to be an effective advocate. Justice Kavanaugh also answered questions about a few of his most famous opinions,” Columbia Law School remarked.
Needless to say, that post did not sit well with militant activists masquerading as thoughtful Ivy League students, as neatly summarized by Fox News.
The Latinx Law Students Association, for instance, had the gall to claim that Columbia will face “consequences” for daring to invite Kavanaugh to speak.
“[Columbia] must recognize that there are consequences for its irresponsible and inappropriate actions,” Latinx raged.
Talk about tone-deaf, especially in the wake of a horrific mass shooting.
Empowering Women of Color (EWOC) delivered an even more hysterical, self-victimizing statement.
“EWOC condemns Columbia Law School’s endorsement of Justice Kavanaugh on its social media. We cannot condone complicity with a man who is credibly accused of sexual assault. Given the ethos of our organization, we are also appalled that Columbia Law School would publicize its affiliation with someone essential to the Dobbs decision, which has disproportionately impacted women of color,” the group whined.
Cue the (paid) protest movement, as that’s clearly the only “movement” in which this lot will acquire any kind of regular work at all.
Certainly won’t be acquiring any work through intellect and creative thinking, that’s for sure.
Clearly, quite a few of these students are only in Columbia Law School in the first place due to affirmative action, otherwise known as a movement that has effectively dumbed down education from preschool all the way up to Ivy League law schools.
And the ignorance is real.
Indeed, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education, which is hardly an ultra-conservative outlet, leftist students’ inability to cope with, well, anything, does not bode well for their future career.
“Their hypersensitive activism will not make them good lawyers,” the publication remarked crisply.
With any luck, AI will outsource all of the brainless lefties, especially since the lefties are clearly brainwashed by Big Tech AI against anything or anyone remotely conservative anyway.
Then they’ll turn around and whine about the very AI they empowered in the first place by living in an ideological echo chamber on social media, somehow managing to blame Trump in the process.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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