While most leftists have a massive entitlement complex, some leftists have a dangerously entitled complex, even when they have caused extreme pain and duress to others.
And that’s precisely what’s happening in Flagler County School District now, specifically with regards to a lawsuit launched by Brandon Depa, a murderous, massive student who is six and a half feet tall and weighs nearly 300 pounds.
The entire situation began last year, when a video of Depa savagely beating a female teacher went viral.
Depa, who was apparently enraged by having his Nintendo Switch taken away during school hours, decided that the only appropriate response was a savage beating of a female teacher.
And that’s precisely what the thug did Joan Naydich, a 59-year-old mother of two.
For daring to enforce a modicum of discipline, the student beat Naydich so savagely that she ended up with a concussion, five broken ribs, and lifelong trauma.
And, before he beat her, he apparently spat on her and called her “b—-” and “w—-.”
What a standup champ.
Depa very easily could have killed her, and she is extremely fortunate to have survived, albeit with extreme trauma.
One would think that even a thug might come to their senses and realize that beating up a mother less than half their size is an incredibly inappropriate, not to mention illegal, way to deal with a situation.
Alas, the thug apparently believes he is the victim, and he has now launched an absolutely absurd lawsuit against the school district for failing to meet his so-called needs.
As reported by the Daily Mail, Depa’s attorneys, Stephanie Langer and Maria Cammarata, are hard at work highlighting what a poor victim Depa is.
“It should be noted that the school and staff working with him and the district knew that the electronics, specifically the Nintendo and its use on a school campus was a trigger for escalating behaviors,” the lawyers wrote.
Is that seriously a defense? The school told Depa he can’t play games during class, so that “trigger” justifies him nearly beating a teacher to death?
Apparently, per these insane lawyers, it was.
“He was punished by being denied his electronic device, even though other students were allowed theirs. The paraprofessional and the teacher began discussing his ability to bring electronics to school, in front of him and in front of his classmates,” Depa continued.
Oh, please. These excuses are truly revolting.
Furthermore, seems he has plenty of “privilege” to be able to afford such expensive electronics as a teenager.
Astonishingly, the lawyers went as far as to blame the teacher herself for being assaulted.
“As a large black male student, he is subjected to misperceptions and racism … He needed to be taught how his presence, even if there was no physical touch, could and would be seen as scary and intimidating. He needed to be taught how to problem solve, communicate and interact with people in positions of authority or with his peers,” the lawyers added.
Are these lawyers serious? It’s the school’s responsibility to teach some murderous thug, who is now 18 years old, “how to problem solve” and “interact with people in positions of authority?”
That lesson should have started in infancy!
Then again, given how he turned out, it’s clear whatever parents he had in the home were totally useless … though they can afford to give him expensive electronics.
Fortunately, more than one commenter saw the entire situation for what it really was – nonsense. Very dangerous nonsense.
“Nice try gaslighting the victim. Do you seriously think there are teachers out there who would have been trained to handle a 6’6”, 270 lb. hulk with the mentality of 4 to 6 [years] of age? Treatment plans don’t always work. What do you suggest? A school with well compensated NFL linemen on the staff? He could have easily killed her. Disability or not, people are not safe around him. He is too violent and unpredictable even under constant supervision,” a commenter remarked.
Well, the only saving grace is this happened in Florida.
If it was in New York, he would already be out and about, nearly murdering or outright murdering anyone else he claims “triggered” him.
Author: Jane Jones
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