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Pence Pummels Dems’ Cartel Empowerment

Former Vice President Mike Pence held back no punches during a recent interview with Fox News Digital, especially with regards to Biden’s ghastly foreign policy.

After all, given his nearly half a century in the swamp, one would think that Biden would have learned a thing or two about appropriate foreign policy.

Unfortunately, it appears the only foreign policy skill that he mastered was propping up his son’s various nefarious enterprises overseas.

Which would probably explain, at least in part, why Biden has been dramatically off on a number of major international issues.

A real problem, considering he is currently playing president.

“I often tell people I’ve known Joe Biden for a very long time, and he’s been that wrong for a very long time,” Pence remarked, “you know, one secretary of defense for Republican and Democrat presidents actually said Joe Biden’s been wrong about every foreign policy decision in the last 40 years. That’s true.”

Way to go, Pence. It is indeed true.

Moreover, by citing someone else who worked alongside both Democrats and Republicans, it is rather clear that Pence is not cherry-picking quotes that appear inconvenient out of context.

Which provided the former vice president with even more credibility in terms of lambasting Biden’s profligate spending coupled with extreme incompetence.

“What we are witnessing in the Biden administration – whether it be the runaway spending, whether it be flatlining defense spending, whether it be a disastrous and appeasing foreign policy, reentering negotiations with Iran, whether it be tax increases, driving a recession and inflation in this economy – one policy after another just seems almost intent on weakening America at home and abroad. It’s one of the reasons why we won back the House of Representatives,” Pence declared.

What’s frightening is that the wheels of the economy are just starting to fall off, though raging inflation probably suggests otherwise.

The Biden administration has oftentimes clung to a high availability of jobs as evidence that the economy has not fallen into a recession, despite the fact that GDP growth contracted for two quarters in a row while inflation continues to rampage.

However, with Big Tech starting big layoffs, it is pretty clear that the Biden administration is indeed “driving a recession” through gross mismanagement, both domestically and abroad.

Mismanagement that directly threatens Border Patrol agents, who Biden routinely disregards. Unless it is popular to bash them on the mainstream media, that is, which the president promptly did when he saw photos of agents allegedly “whipping” migrants.

Needless to say, the photographer himself said that no migrants had been whipped, but the White House ran with the lie anyway.

“In my travels to the southern border as a private citizen over the last two years, I’ve had Border Patrol agents look me in the eye and tell me that the cartels have operational control of our border,” Pence asserted.

Well, Biden apparently can’t maintain operational control over his own movements on the White House lawn. An Easter Bunny rather inelegantly directing Biden away from the crowds affirms that lack of control.

One of the many reasons Biden should not be occupying the current position he’s in.

Especially as the border chaos commenced from Day 1 under Biden’s lack of direction.

“And it all began the day that Joe Biden was inaugurated as president,” Pence continued, “he signed an executive order stopping construction of the border wall, but it was worsened on the same day when he rescinded the Remain in Mexico policy that literally had reduced illegal immigration and asylum abuse by 90 percent under our administration.”

In other words, the Trump administration stemmed the flow of future Democrat voters, not to mention the expanding power of sanctuary cities at polling stations.

Democrats, however, apparently couldn’t stand the thought of millions of illegal migrants not successfully loading up in sanctuary cities, which is precisely why they have no issue with open borders.

Provided they maintain their private security and personal walls.

“The Democratic Party is the party of open borders, and the deafening message that they sent south of our border was a message the cartels have exploited – taking cash from vulnerable families, taking them on the long and dangerous and often abusive journey north to our border,” Pence remarked dispiritedly, highlighting the realities of the terrible plight that families and vulnerable images duped by Democrat messaging are willing to risk.

Way to empower cartels, Democrats.

At least Hunter Biden doesn’t appear to be caught up in shenanigans with Mexican cartels.

However, he’s certainly caught up with the Chinese, whose deadly fentanyl, oftentimes trafficked in great quantities, easily crosses … you guessed it … the U.S.-Mexico border.

One of the numerous reasons drug overdoses have exploded under Biden’s reign.

Author: Jane Jones

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