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Biden Drops All Manners In Angry Exchange On Global Stage

Biden’s numerous handlers must be cringing big time now.

As reported by the New York Post, the president yet again humiliated America on the global stage, especially given his rather terse, arrogant exchanges with reporters.

However, in the most recently reported debacle, Biden really dropped all manners on the global stage when he decided to effectively threaten a female reporter while simultaneously interrupting a world leader.

No joke.

The entire saga began during a press conference in Finland, wherein Biden delivered his typically insincere bluster about endless American support.

Having seen how poorly the Biden administration has treated traditional American allies during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, varied European reporters appear to be skeptical.

One such reporter included Iida Tikka, who works for Finland’s public broadcaster YL.

“What actions will you take to assure Finland that US will remain a reliable NATO partner for decades to come?” Tikka inquired.

Rather than indicate concrete actions, Biden issued weak platitudes.

And, worst of all, the platitudes contradicted one another.

“I absolutely guarantee it … no one can guarantee the future, but this is the best bet anyone could make,” Biden boomed.

Say what? Does Biden “absolutely guarantee” the partnership? Or is he suggesting that “no one can guarantee” longstanding support?

One thing is for sure: He delivered nothing short of meaningless word salad, which is precisely why Tikka attempted to get a clearer response elsewhere.

Tikka then turned to Finnish President Sauli Niinistö, making it clear that Biden’s “answer” hardly serves to reassure dubious audiences.

“Hearing this answer that no one can guarantee a future, are you worried that the political instability in the US will cause issues in the alliance in the future?” Tikka asked.

At that point, Biden apparently became enraged that he was no longer the center of attention or was otherwise being questioned, as he brazenly interrupted the Finnish president to inform Tikka she doesn’t know if she’s “gonna be able to make it home.”

“Let me be clear … I didn’t say we didn’t guarantee – we couldn’t guarantee the future. You can’t tell me whether you’re gonna be able to go home tonight. No one can be sure what they’re gonna do … I’m saying, as sure as anything could possibly be said about American foreign policy, we will stay connected to NATO,” Biden raged.

Way to interrupt a president while telling a female reporter she may not make it home.

And, while this may be news to Biden, the capital of Finland, Helsinki, is largely free of crime, especially violent crime, that has become a hallmark of Democrat enclaves.

The Post also noted that varied Finnish reporters were “bemused” by Biden’s abrasive commentary.

Basically, more than one Finnish reporter was flabbergasted by Biden’s apparent suggestion that Helsinki is a violent, dangerous place in which female reporters may not even make it home that night.

President Niinistö attempted to chill the atmosphere after Biden erupted into one of his typical fits of rage.

“It seems that the president has answered your problems,” Niinistö remarked smoothly, to light laughter from the audience.

In other public appearances, Biden has referred to the Ukrainian president as “Vladimir” while making a series of other absurd remarks, most of which do little to engender public trust.

For instance, when a reporter asked Biden how soon Ukraine would join NATO after ceasing the conflict with Russia, the president delivered a rather scathing response.

“An hour and 20 minutes … You guys ask really insightful questions,” Biden sneered.

Way to go, Mr. Unity.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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