While much of the media’s focus has been dominated by the increasingly intractable wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, it is quite clear that more than one illegal has become more emboldened than ever in crossing the border.
Per a report from the Daily Mail, more than 550 illegals squeezed through a wall in one small part of Arizona in just one day, much to the angst of beleaguered border patrol officials.
Especially as the illegals apparently feel just fine treating border patrol as personal assistants, rather than legal authorities.
To be fair, Bribe’m Biden and Hapless Harris have basically turned the border into a total free for all anyway, alongside multiple Dem mayors putting illegals up in private hotels, so what else is to be expected?
“None of us signed up to be Uber drivers or babysitters,” border patrol officials informed journalists from the outlet.
No kidding. Fairly unbelievable, really, what border guards are being expected to do with illegals.
Which is basically kowtow to their every last demand while filling out all the paperwork that enables them to be set free within the country.
“This isn’t what we joined for. We signed up for enforcement not administration,” the guards added irritably.
Alas, they signed up for enforcement responsibilities under the wrong administration, as the Dems clearly have a vested interest in deeply destabilized borders.
The Daily Mail also noted that migrants were streaming in from literally every corner of the world imaginable, including from Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Nepal, India, and Pakistan.
Of course, Osama bin Laden hid out in Pakistan for years, but that little dose of reality appears to have barely registered with this particular administration.
And, of course, all the migrants are allegedly high-profile targets due to their families’ “political connections.”
Of course, one might wonder why such wealthy migrants need to cross over the border illegally, but it’s quite clear that they’ve all been trained to lie in the right way to gain so-called “asylum” in the United States.
“It’s the political thing,” illegal migrant Dhruv Patel lied, much like all the other illegals crossing the border.
In fact, the illegals don’t even bother to diversify their lies, making them all the more obvious.
The migrants take a number of unusually well-traveled paths – so well-traveled, it’s almost as though they were the handiwork of some anarchist billionaire like George Soros, notorious for becoming rich during World War II.
Indeed, the illegals easily travel from Senegal to Morocco to Spain to Ecuador to Colombia to Mexico City and north via well-functioning bus routes, making rather astonishing progress in just a few days.
Much to the dismay of Chris Clem, a former chief patrol officer in nearby Yuma sector of Arizona.
“It’s a couple of hundred people a day, that’s a drop in the bucket … Until there’s a significant policy shift, until there is a significant focus on reestablishing our border security as a priority, I think we’re gonna suffer and morale will suffer,” Clem said, clearly troubled by the illegal migration trend.
And, rather clearly, such a significant shift in focus is rather unlikely to happen with the presently bungling Biden regime.
He’s been paid too much to destabilize the United States, after all.
Clem also notes that the nation would be a in a much safer state, had Biden simply bothered to respect Trump’s wall.
In fact, so much geopolitical instability is predominating the world that Clem made it rather clear that the Biden regime would have had a readymade excuse for enhancing border security and still save face.
“What’s happening in the Middle East, in Russia, and with China, that could have been the for reinforcing our border security efforts … Not because President Trump wanted to do it, they could have said there was a real national security interest in doing it now,” Clem continued pointedly.
One thing is for sure: Border patrol agents have a very different idea of how they would handle the crisis, and it most certainly does not involve working as an Uber driver or babysitter.
“I’d send them straight back … There’s no real penalty for anyone coming in illegally,” an agent in Yuma remarked grimly.
On the contrary, there are nothing but incentives in Biden’s deliberately broken America.
Author: Jane Jones

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