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Dem Mayor Blasted For “Mindfulness” Message Amid Violence

Half the time, one wonders if the Democrat Party has been brainwashed by New Age gurus from California.

In fact, given the Democrats’ routine collusion with Burning Man-obsessed Big Tech billionaires, they may well have developed a stable presence in California that has subsequently infected their already skewed mentality with even more distracting “wellness” mantras.

Big Tech billionaires’ obsession with Burning Man is a bit of an oxymoron given the festival’s non-materialistic manifesto, but their wanton collaboration with Democrats to suppress real democracy may be considered downright diabolical.

After all, just imagine how different the outcome of the 2020 election may have been, had Big Tech not openly suppressed rather critical information regarding the president’s son.

Regardless, the ideas of “wellness” and “mindfulness” appear to have permeated the Democrat lexicon, as evidenced in a number of bizarre letters leaked by party officials.

First, Boston University Law School (that’s right, a law school) sent a letter out to all its snowflake students following highly justified Supreme Court rulings, in particular those that smacked down Biden’s supreme overreach with student debt relief and the universities’ extreme overreach with openly racist affirmative action policies.

Apparently, the law students, who clearly don’t have enough to do, were reminded of the fact that they could take advantage of the university’s “wellness” resources for overcoming the apparent trauma of the Supreme Court erring on the side of separation of powers.

While the behavior of the law school students, namely their inability to deal with anything that doesn’t align with exactly what they want (and exactly what they want may shift with the social media mob), is deplorable enough, it is also deplorable where they learn the habits from in the first place.

Such as public schools, in which learning and basic respect are secondary to the woke New Age agenda.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who was recently busted in his own migrant transportation scheme (the same scheme he publicly criticized GOP contender Ron DeSantis over), has apparently decided that the best way to deal with mass illiteracy in New York public schools is to have teachers spend time having students practice “mindful breathing.”

As if New York City public schools are the equivalent of elitist yoga studios in Los Angeles.

“Two to five minutes. Think about that. We’re not talking about hours. Two to five minutes is a game changer,” Adams brayed within the context of his “mindful breathing” insistence.

As if the average teenage criminal is going to elect to engage in “mindful breathing” for two minutes before robbing the local bodega.

Little wonder that former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany resoundingly skewered Adams’s proposal during a recent appearance on Fox News’s “Outnumbered.”

“I just can’t get on board … I somehow made it through many academic institutions without learning about breathing. I just think this is ridiculous. I think it comes from Mayor Adams having a pet project. Apparently, he showed up for the debate, and he was doing his breathing and he was calm, and his opponents looked at him, according to the New York Post and said, ‘We can’t beat that guy. He’s too calm,’” McEnany remarked.

Seriously. As she holds degrees from Georgetown University and Harvard Law School, it is highly likely that McEnany knows a thing or two about real higher education.

Plus, Adams is rather obviously in a more privileged position to enjoy “mindful breathing” while students struggle with basic math and reading.

“It may work for some. Absolutely. I’m not dismissing that,” McEnany added generously, “I just don’t think it belongs in schools where we’re talking about reading and math.”


Alas, get ready for more “mindfulness” from the Biden administration and its lemming-like officials … though mindfulness may well be code for “braindead” in this administration.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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