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Dems Pull (Another) Incredibly Desperate Anti-Trump Move

It’s bad enough that some incompetent Dem “accidentally” released a “fictitious” indictment against Trump before the grand jury even voted.

Now, in yet another desperate, and beyond obvious, anti-Trump move, Atlanta prosecutor Fani Willis, who has routinely praised Obama and Kamala on her social media pages, has decided to start Trump’s trial at a rather telling time.

Right before the intensely consequential primaries.

Needless to say, that’s a move straight out of Putin’s book, and, for that matter, Zelensky’s, both of whom have a nasty habit of shutting down any and all political opposition in varied ways.

As reported by Fox News, former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, who worked in the Department of “Justice,” back when it at least pretended to care about justice, is rightly horrified by the brazen dismissal of the will of the American people.

“They’ve now scheduled this first trial on the day before Super Tuesday – whe[n] 15 states plus American Samoa are going to go vote,” Whitaker remarked in disbelief.

Indeed, the news outlet has reported that voters across Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, California, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia, alongside American Samoa, will make a consequential decision regarding the 2024 election.

Which is precisely why the Dems, aided and abetted by America-hating Obama, are clearly determined to tie Trump up in court, insanely believing that court appearances rather than rallies will ebb Trump’s support.

If anything, such tactics will make Trump more popular than any of his rallies ever will, as such staged trials are the hallmark of a banana republic masquerading as a democracy or, more accurately, constitutional republic.

“And if you’re thinking you can prepare for a trial and visit 15 states in the lead up to Super Tuesday, I mean, that’s going to be impossible,” Whitaker added.

Precisely what the Dems, and Obama in particular, are counting on.

After all, Obama is betting on a “fourth term” in order to “finish the job!”

Gregg Jarrett, a Fox News legal analyst, also pointed out that the Dems’ desperation is ironically proving Trump’s case.

“The mantra is ‘Biden can’t win legitimately on his own – so we will help him by-hook-or-by-crook,” Jarrett mused.

Jarrett also called out Ms. Fani Wilis, an ironic name given that the so-called professional is a “fanny” in more ways than one.

Of course, in Swahili, “Fani” means prosperous, and Willis has likely made an illicit killing behind the scenes for her circus of a trial.

Starting with 161 so-called “conspirational acts,” alongside a supposed 41 “criminal charges,” all dispersed across 19 defendants.

Almost as if Willis and New York’s amoral Alvin Bragg are in a competition regarding who can be the most legally inept, not to mention publicly incompetent.

Jarrett drawled that a vastly more competent prosecutor would have obviously opted to “streamline” the case, given that at least 60 lawyers will need to be involved on the state’s end.

In other words, Willis is trying to throw everything possible at Trump and hoping some Soros-appointed lackey will make at least one charge stick.

Far from an organized, focused approach – a hellfire missile, Willis’s intellect is not.

Then again, Willis was likely a massive beneficiary of “affirmative action” to go to whatever school she went to.

Further justifying the Supreme Court’s smackdown of the terribly prejudiced practice, which has ironically proven to be incredibly dangerous for democracy in the long run.

After all, people like Willis now have “authority,” authority they likely never would have been granted had they not played “the victim” role for their entire life.

And playing “the victim” clearly doesn’t lead to much intellectual development, given how pitiable, and pathetically obvious, their “case” is.

On top of that, Willis has the absolute gall to claim she has no “personal” interest in the investigation.

“We have no personal feelings against those we investigate or prosecute and we should not express any. This is business, it will never be personal,” Willis lied.

What an outrageous deception!

Sounds just like the same pitiful excuse from the aforementioned hapless county clerk who just happened to release a “fictitious” indictment against Trump, which was effectively releasing it to the press and shifting public opinion before the grand jury even weighed in.

That one claimed she had “no dog in the fight.” Yeah, right.

Needless to say, Whitaker doesn’t buy any of the baloney that’s blaring on the “fictitious” media now.

“What Gregg [Jarrett] is saying is absolutely right … This is all planned and coordinated in order to try to prevent Donald Trump from being strong enough to win the election in November,” Whitaker declared.

Yep. And they did so quite poorly and obviously, affirmative action cases that they all clearly are.

Yet one thing is for certain: Their determination to turn the United States into a massive banana republic will, in all likelihood, massively backfire upon them.

“I don’t think they’re going to stop him,” Whitaker mused.

No, they most certainly will not.

Unless they attempt to give Trump the “Clinton” treatment.

Author: Jane Jones

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