Leave it to Democrats to outdo each other in perhaps their most pitiable race to the bottom, ever.
Apparently, Denver has decided to defund police in order to fund housing for illegals.
That’s right: The city is defunding police in order to fund criminals.
Perhaps one of the clearest indicators of Democrats’ real policies yet.
As detailed by the Daily Mail, Denver has put together an absurd budget for so-called “newcomers,” which includes the following: $89.9 million on various migrant assistance programs in 2024, including $3 million to “Program Administration,” $51.7 million to “Shelter and Housing,” “$9.7 million to ‘Supportive Services,” “$9.5 million to ‘One Time Capital Costs,’” and $10 million to “Contingency.”
So, in other words, the vast majority of the funding is going to housing for illegals. Must be nice!
Horrifically, that housing is the direct result of cutting funds to critical services, in particular the police.
The Daily Mail also noted that approximately $45M will be allocated to public programs and services, while the remainder is coming from city wide budget cuts.
Progressive Mayor Mike Johnston appears quite proud of his destructive “Newcomer Operations and 2024 Budget,” boasting to the public in a recent speech.
“After more than a year of facing this crisis together, Denver finally has a sustainable plan for treating our newcomers with dignity while avoiding the worst cuts to city services,” Johnston declared.
Leave it to a Dem to declare that a “sustainable” plan entails defunding the police in order to fund housing for unvetted illegal migrants.
“So many times we were told that we couldn’t be compassionate while still being fiscally responsible. Today is proof that our hardest challenges are still solvable, and that together we are the ones who will solve them,” Johnston added pompously.
So, defunding the police for illegals is “fiscally responsible?” Got it.
Frankly, Denver may well be one of the most insane cities yet, given that it has openly announced its willingness to hurt the police force to protect illegal migrants.
Clearly, while sanctuary cities have long been a bad idea, they are a really bad idea when factoring in the sheer numbers arriving via Biden’s wide open borders.
And, while other Democrats may have initially mocked Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s bussing strategy, they stopped mocking after it became clear just how many millions really are streaming across the border.
In Denver alone, nearly 40,000 illegals have arrived in the past couple of years … and the city has a population of just over 700,000.
With just 30,000 more illegals arriving, highly likely with current border conditions, illegals will make up 10 percent of Denver’s population.
Statistics that start to rival Canada, in other words, which has long since lost its way under the “leadership” of Trudeau.
Talk about replacement … which Democrats insist isn’t happening.
What else would they call letting millions of illegals in the nation, especially when treating them better than American citizens?
Heck, the illegals are treated far better than American veterans.
At one point, the city attempted to encourage some of the hundreds of thousands of migrants to go elsewhere.
Humorously, Texas and Florida were not amongst the recommendations.
“The opportunities are over … ‘New York gives you more. Chicago gives you more. So I suggest you go there where there is longer-term shelter. There are also more job opportunities there,” city official Andres Carrea asserted.
Alas, the opportunities have apparently resumed once again, after the city unwisely decided to defund the police.
Author: Ofelia Thornton
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