Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has repeatedly enraged the Biden administration by revealing the White House’s utter incompetence.
All one has to do is contrast the state of Florida with the state of the union to see what a disaster Biden has been overall, especially in terms of keeping the pandemic and the economy under control.
Even more humorously, droves of Democrats are fleeing to Florida from hostile locales such as New York and California, further underscoring the extent to which DeSantis’s governance is vastly superior to that of politicians who spend most of their time preening for TV (Cough, California Governor Gavin Newsom, cough).
Now, DeSantis has decided to send some “residents” back to the Democrats, chiefly in the form of the illegal migrants Democrats seem so eager to welcome.
Until they actually have to see the migrants in person, that is.
Which is precisely DeSantis’s point, as evidenced by him sending a grand total of 50 Venezuelans to Martha’s Vineyard, one of the swankiest enclaves in the nation.
The type of place where Obama throws himself a mask-less birthday party filled with pot smokers, all while Pelosi gallivants about to various “parties” that serve no purpose aside from a free for all at a top shelf liquor bar.
While the elites engage in such antics, they figure that Texas and every single other border state will bear the brunt of their horrible policies.
However, as made clear by DeSantis: Not on his watch.
“They are supporting policies that are frankly, just indefensible. It is not defensible for a superpower to not have any control over the territory of its country or the borders of its country,” DeSantis declared.
And, to underscore just how “indefensible” the Democrats’ antics truly are, DeSantis decided to send just a few dozen illegal migrants up to one of the nation’s most elitist enclaves.
After all, Democrats should welcome their new voters with open arms, shouldn’t they?
Apparently, the lefties don’t have a clue what to do with the actual consequences of their decisions, considering that they’ve declared the arrival of 50 Venezuelans to be a “humanitarian crisis.”
That’s right: More than 2 million can sail past the border into Texas, Arizona, California, and other locales, but a whopping 50 show up in Martha’s Vineyard and the leftist elites are about ready to have a stroke.
As reported by Breitbart, “Martha’s Vineyard officials are begging for federal assistance over what they are calling a ‘humanitarian crisis’ after just 50 illegal aliens were flown into the elite island where the nation’s wealthiest residents vacation.”
While this commentary is humorous enough, it gets extremely funny when digging deeper into the elite island’s official Twitter feed, in particular the following humorous tweet:
“To our Island community, here is an update on current humanitarian crisis on Martha’s Vineyard….we thank people for their continued help,” the elitist island pleaded.
A “crisis” that could have been entirely avoided had Democrats simply supported Trump’s wall.
The announcement itself, embedded in the tweet, is nothing short of pure humor, given how preposterous it would appear to virtually anyone who isn’t a total and complete elitist who has no clue how the real world works.
“At 1500 today approximately 50 individuals, to the best of our knowledge originating from Venezuela, landed at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport, seeking shelter. This is an ongoing situation,” the memo reads tersely.
Wow, imagine that. Meanwhile in California, everyday citizens have to deal with armed gangs of 20-30+ who smash and grab products from various stores and think nothing of ending lives to do so.
Now that is much more of a “crisis,” but Democrats don’t talk about that.
“We have reached out to our State and Federal partners for additional and long-term support and assistance. All activated local Emergency Management will remain in effect as we learn more and anticipate our State partners coordinated response,” the memo continued.
Oh no! That might divert resources from hunting down conservative Americans.
Needless to say, the responses on Twitter to the self-involved island’s whining were rather hilarious.
Twitter user “Jean” dryly inquired, “50 non white people is a humanitarian crisis?”
For ultra-leftist elites, it surely as.
500,000+ in a given border town, with vastly less security, is ok with them, however.
Twitter user “#CTID” also called out the elites’ wealth and arrogance directly.
“Ya’ll got enough room in those multi million dollar unused summer mansions to house thousands more… every town is a border town now,” #CTID remarked.
That’s right. As Obama barely uses his $22M+ mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, a rather mysterious acquisition for a so-called “public servant,” perhaps the illegal migrants he always encouraged may take up shelter within.
Unlikely, however, which was precisely DeSantis’s point.
“We take what is happening at the southern border very seriously, unlike some, and unlike the President of the United States, who has refused to lift a finger to secure that border,” DeSantis asserted.
That’s right. But the minute a few dozen illegals show up in a Democrat elitist enclave, the National Guard is effectively activated.
“You’ve had millions and millions of people pouring across illegally; record amount of fentanyl coming into our country; it is absolutely killing Americans in record numbers; of course you have criminal aliens,” DeSantis continued.
Once again, political elites in their glass castles could care less, despite playing a direct role in engendering the crisis … until they have to deal with the issue themselves.
“I would just note: Biden would fly people in the middle of the night, dump them all across this country; there was no warning on any of this. They’re doing it and they’re farming people out all around,” DeSantis added with amusement.
Who can forget former Press Secretary Jen Psaki claiming that flights of illegal migrants arriving in Florida at 3 a.m. were “early morning” flights rather than “middle of the night?”
As if that matters! The point is illegals being shipped, period, throughout the nation.
Which Democrats are now getting a direct taste of themselves.
“The minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door, they all of a sudden go berserk and they’re so upset that this is happening. It just shows you their virtue-signaling is a fraud,” DeSantis declared.
Spot on …
Author: Jane Jones

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