Way to go, John Hopkins.
While Ivy League schools are busy erasing the reality of terrorism, it appears that the nation’s top medical school is in the process of erasing women.
Indeed, the university has just updated its so-called “’inclusive language guide,” chiefly by erasing the word “women” in its definition of the word “lesbian.”
Apparently, John Hopkins was kowtowing to the demands of militant trans activists who are deeply offended by the idea of a biological woman who identifies as a woman.
Now, the “inclusive language guide” defines a “lesbian” as follows: “a non-man attracted to non-men.”
A rather misogynistic approach to language.
Rather predictably, the Program Director of LGBTQ+ Equity and Education, Paula Neira, is apparently transgender, which would explain the abolition of women from an allegedly “inclusive” guide to language.
Kristina Rasmussen, executive director of the anti-identity politics medical watchdog group Do No Harm, is aghast at John Hopkins’ apparent hatred of women, and has called for the school to abolish an insanely divisive department.
“Johns Hopkins needs to completely eliminate their DEI department and channel those resources toward the primary objective of preparing the next generation of healthcare professionals to give the highest quality care to all patients,” Rasmussen asserted.
Follow in the (much wiser) lead of both Florida and Oklahoma, which have now made blatantly racist DEI policies effectively illegal in higher education.
Alas, John Hopkins has generally doubled down on its anti-woman stance, as well as its anti-White stance, as evidenced by a rather inflammatory letter recently sent by Dr. Sherita Hill Golden.
“Privilege is characteristically invisible to people who have it,” Golden sniffed.
But of course. Never mind the affirmative action “privilege” that got Golden employed at John Hopkins in the first place.
Per Ms. Golden, the apparent recipients of “privilege” include “White people, able-bodied people, heterosexuals, cisgender people, males, Christians, middle or owning class people, middle-aged people and English-speaking people.”
Gotta love how “English speaking” is now “privilege” per the left, which is an obviously pitiable way to attempt to ingratiate themselves with illegal aliens.
While Grant has since apologized for her letter, the apology was tepid at best.
As noticed by Rasmussen.
“Their weak apology is simply insufficient, and our campaign is focused on raising awareness about the discriminatory ideas being taught to students and the hostile workplace imposed on employees,” Rasmussen remarked angrily, doubling down on her calls for John Hopkins to abolish its absurd DEI policies and programs.
In light of how anti-White and anti-America more than one privileged little snowflake has become, such destruction of DEI (or “DIE,” as Elon Musk calls it), is critical for safeguarding the nation’s future sanity.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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