Leave it to the FBI and DHS to collude on matters that give them an excuse to further persecute conservatives.
As the deranged federal agencies, clearly under the direction of Biden’s puppet masters, have taken it upon themselves to issue stark warnings regarding apparent terrorist attacks planned or “Pride Month” specifically.
Though the agencies admit they have no specific information whatsoever regarding direct plots against “Pride” participants, they have continued to whip up fears regarding so-called “domestic extremists” and their imminent threats against the LGBTQ+ community (or whatever the appropriate order of ever-changing letters is).
These federal agencies have only reinforced the divisions that Biden claimed he would be eliminating upon becoming president.
These divisions were reinforced by Javed Ali, the former senior counterterrorism director on the National Security Council, was sure to emphasize that “Pride Month” will be a clear target for attacks, though he admitted having no evidence to support his prediction.
“LGBQTIA+ members have drawn the ire of al-Qaida and ISIS supporters in the past based on their perceived lifestyles and beliefs. However, the degree to which this announcement was driven by specific and credible intelligence about attacks here against this community, versus a more general abundance of caution based on Pride month, remains unclear,” Ali declared.
So, in other words, there is no “specific and credible evidence” to support the FBI and DHS’s double-teaming against “domestic extremists” and their apparent intent to launch terrorist attacks during so-called “Pride Month,” yet such disinformation is spread anyway.
Predictably, Ali is now a “public policy” professor at the University of Michigan. Go figure.
GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis was even more forthright in “domestic extremists” allegedly plotting terrorist attacks against “the rising tide of acceptance” for a host of “alternative” lifestyles.
“A fringe few extremists, domestically and overseas, are irrationally threatened by the rising tide of acceptance for LGBTQ people,” Ellis boomed.
Are they? Exactly what evidence does Ellis have about “fringe extremists” domestically?
Frankly, with Biden letting multiple millions of illegals across the border, thousands of which are already on “watch lists,” it’s pretty obvious the White House doesn’t care too much about the safety of Americans.
Unless, of course, the illegals are planning such attacks, which in turn will be blamed on “domestic extremists.”
“It is important to keep Pride safe for all attendees, and for people to keep showing up during Pride and throughout the year to speak up for the equality and safety of their communities and all marginalized people,” Ellis added pompously.
How about the safety of individuals who dare to express political beliefs contrary to the Dems’ demands for uniformity of thought and belief?
Of course, the biggest propagandists of all include swamp-originated federal agencies, which is clear from their own announcements.
The FBI and DHS issued a joint public service announcement (PSA), which was filled with a bunch of assumptions and no “credible” evidence.
Just note how often they use the word “may.”
“The FBI and DHS are issuing this Public Service Announcement to provide awareness to the public of foreign terrorist organizations (FTOS) or their supporters potential targeting of LGBTQIA+-related events and venues. Foreign terrorist organizations or supporters may seek to exploit increased gatherings associated with the upcoming June 2024 Pride Month,” the agencies brayed.
Yeah, well, an asteroid “may” hurt the earth as well.
Should everyone begin preparing for that now?
The agencies also issued “possible indicators of potential threat activity,” which are undoubtedly used to encourage continued collusion with ultra-left Big Tech.
For instance, the agencies claimed that “violent threats made online, in person, or via mail” could apparently demonstrate that one is an imminent terrorist.
Except for the fact that “online” threats are highly relative.
BLM, alongside pro-Hamas terrorists, make direct threats against the police and general public, which are oftentimes fulfilled with violence, yet they’re strangely not mentioned by either agency.
And, in all their collective non-brilliance, apparently neither the FBI nor the DHS had a proofreader, as they repeated the following “possible indicator” twice.
“Attempts to gain access to restricted areas, bypass security, or impersonate law enforcement officials,” the agencies added ominously.
That’s funny.
Considering hundreds upon hundreds of illegals, if not more, have already tried to “gain access” to highly restricted military bases on American soil.
Predictably receiving a slap on the wrist, if even that.
Author: Jane Jones

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