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Globalists Issue Ominous “Governance Project”

As recently reported by the Daily Mail, a group of “far right” individuals was arrested for intentions to overthrow the German government and instill a “monarchy,” which is quite the incendiary development.

A deeper read of the article, however, reveals a rather curious viewpoint held by several members of the alleged militia: the belief that Germany, along with other Western nations, is truly under the control of the deep state.

While the “deep state” may have been previously dismissed as a paranoid conspiracy theory, the uncomfortable reality is that the world seems to be under the control of transnational elites, especially when accounting for the remarkable rise of the far left across multiple “free” societies.

These days, it is difficult to trust many global leaders, especially when accounting for their apparent subservience to a number of international agencies that feature potentially nefarious motivations.

One such international agency includes the World Economic Forum (WEF), which has become rather notorious in its express demands for a “global reset.”

Such a change was promoted by WEF Klaus Schwab in his rather lengthy “Global Governance Project,” which outlined all the various ways in which the pandemic apparently created such great opportunities.

“The COVID-19 pandemic clearly demonstrates that economic and social well-being is inextricably bound to the health of populations. In the months since the virus enveloped every country on the planet, we have witnessed economic hardship, social friction and human suffering on a scale perhaps unseen in our lifetime,” Schwab trilled.

What Mr. Schwab leaves out is the fact that various nonsensical lockdowns exacerbated the “suffering,” especially as different world leaders have clearly exploited the pandemic for their own skeptical gains over the past two years.

Gains they are unwilling to give up, as evidenced by the Biden administration’s obsession with keeping the fixation on the pandemic going.

After all, Biden not only requested another $37B for Ukraine, but apparently an additional $9.5B for “COVID” over the winter.

Clearly, Biden can’t make up his mind as to whether or not the “emergency” is over, which reveals that his administration is hardly as science focused as they have portrayed to the public.

The aftermath of the virus, however, is clearly politics focused, which Schwab makes rather evident.

“After the virus is controlled, we will continue to feel its cascading negative effects on mental health, diagnosis and treatment of people with other diseases, access to care and health system sustainability,” he boomed.

Right. Context for the “reset” to follow.

“There is now a brief opportunity for global leaders to cooperate to achieve a ‘Great Reset’ – a step forwards to a more resilient, cohesive, equitable and prosperous world. Regarding health care, will leaders choose to advance or allow the world to ease back into systems that are flawed but familiar?” Schwab boomed.

One can only wonder what he means by “systems that are flawed but familiar.”

Especially given the leftists’ obsession with destroying the electoral college, alongside virtually every value system that has long defined American liberties and freedoms.

Which are steadily being eroded by Big Tech, as expressly indicated by Schwab.

“Applying fourth industrial revolution advancements in cross-border data flows, precision and genomic medicine, artificial intelligence and machine learning offers a path to faster diagnosis and more effective treatments, but also raises numerous governance and policy challenges,” Schwab intoned.

“Cross-border data flows.” Right.

Such as that grand COVID vaccine database the federal government has long been rumored to maintain?

Such as the fixation on remotely conservative-leaning parents and students across the United States?

As far as “numerous governance and policy challenges” are concerned, it is quite clear that some of these “challenges” include various individuals’ vested interest in destroying the liberties and freedoms that have long since come to define the United States.

“Let us not maintain approaches we have seen are broken, suboptimal or ill adapted for a healthier and more globally beneficial future. Instead, let us begin dialogues across societies, meaningfully assess where we are as a planet and as a people, and decide how we can move from this time of global crisis to a new era. Real progress is possible,” Schwab boomed.

“Real progress” towards the abolition of basic borders and boundaries, it would appear.

Schwab also doubled down on his “Great Reset” position during a recent G20 Conference.

Specifically, he called for a “deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world,” curiously mirroring the same terminology BLM utilizes, at least when accounting for all their rampaging regarding “systemic racism.”

Ironic, given the level of affirmative action that has informed the university admissions process for years.

“What we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world. And this will take some time and the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process,” Schwab boomed.

Judging from the Biden administration’s “achievements” thus far, one is certainly getting a taste of how the world will “look differently” by the time the ultra-left is done.

Author: Jane Jones

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