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Obama’s Chef Relishes Future Food Insecurity

As frightening as globalists can be, the one saving grace is that their own arrogance might be just what is needed to bring them down.

Pride comes before the fall, as it is commonly said.

Chef Sam Kass, whose biggest claim to fame is preparing meals for former President Obama over the course of his years in the White House, apparently cannot contain his glee about future food insecurity, in large part due to the fact that limited food production will apparently save the planet.

That’s right: Democrats and their nefarious allies are now openly stating they would rather limit food in the future to “save the planet,” which in and of itself is an insanely arrogant remark, given that the planet has undergone huge transformations long before human industrialization.

How exactly do Democrats think the ice disappeared from the widely documented Ice Age multiple millions of years ago?

Clearly, a bit of heat was involved then, heat that somehow arose free of human intervention, but Democrats never bother to contextualize their asinine claims.

The truth, however, given the Democrats’ routine private jet usage, it is rather clear that they could care less about the environment, as their own actions reflect none of those concerns.

They do, however, care about absolute power, and attributing all their restrictions to “environmental conservation” is an incredibly duplicitous ploy designed to guilt people into willingly giving up their liberties.

And, apparently, their eventual food supply.

“A number of foods that we hold very dear to our hearts and largely take for granted are under a real threat. And you’re seeing in the future, we’re on track for a lot of those to become quite scarce and some really to be largely unavailable to most people and others just significantly increased in cost,” Kass boomed.

How ironic.

As “significant” increases in food cost have already become a running theme of the Biden administration.

Heck, liberal newspapers based in New York are recommending Americans “earning less than $300,000 per year” revert to eating lentils to save on their grocery bills.

One can only wonder if Bill Gates has millions of acres worth of lentils somewhere from all the agricultural land he keeps snapping up.

Following his stint as Obama’s private Chef, Kass is now a partner at Acre Venture Partners, whose mission is as follows: “to partner with companies providing the breakthrough technologies and critical infrastructure necessary to enable a greatly improved food ecosystem – one in which positive outcomes for human and environmental health are prioritized alongside profitability and convenience.”

“Positive outcomes for human and environmental health.” Right.

Gotta love how open the group is about its intentions for “profitability,” though the recipients of such profitability are not exactly advertised.

One can certainly get a clue about the potential recipients, however, when considering the audaciousness of Kass’s recent dinner event.

Specifically, Obama’s chef hosted a $500 per plate dinner, which apparently consisted of mixed rice with truffles and seafood.

Apparently, he is totally out of touch with how … unsavory that appears during times of great economic downturn.

Not like any of the liberal attendees think much about how their arrogance impacts others.

Kass alleged that the meal would ordinarily cost $72 today, though it will likely cost as high as $566 in 2050, as ingredients humanity relies upon are set to become “more scarce.”

Apparently, rice, one of the most widely produced and consumed grains in the world, is on the chopping block for leftists.

And, speaking of “scarce” … Well, taxes will surely increase enough so the elites can dine on $800 rice while the rest of the world, what’s left of it, consumes Gates’s experimental crops.

You know, to ensure “profitability” and all.

Then, Kass cuts to the heart of the matter: how all of this is apparently necessary for preserving the planet.

The famed excuse for just about every new level of government control.

“Food and agriculture is the number two driver of greenhouse gas emissions globally and uses about 70 percent of the world’s waters. It’s the number one driver of deforestation, land use change. It’s really at the center of a lot of these environmental issues,” Kass arrogantly boomed.

Ah. By all means, continue to host lavish, carbon emission-producing dinners where people easily drop $500 on a plate of rice, as that’s the surefire way to preserve the environment.

“Food and agriculture is the only real opportunity that we have to sequester enough carbon on the scale that science is telling us, within the time horizon that the science is saying we have, and that’s really unique to food and agriculture,” Kass added pointedly.

First, basic subject-verb agreement, please: Food and agriculture are, not is.

Second, far more frighteningly … “within a time horizon that science is saying we have.” Excuse us all, but is science a singular entity, that apparently speaks exclusively with elitists?

Moreover, the reference to “time horizon” is chilling, as one can only imagine what’s really on the “time horizon” behind the scenes …

Especially with all these elites who apparently can’t contain themselves when bragging about future food insecurity.

All in the name of “climate change,” of course. An issue that conveniently affects the whole planet, which means the whole planet can be bent to elites’ will.

If the planet allows it, that is …

Author: Jane Jones

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