Gotta hand it to the Dems.
Because if anyone has perfected bad policy, it’s most certainly the rather incompetent, egregiously anti-American Democrat party today.
Indeed, the Dems are notorious for demanding so-called “COVID vaccines” to enter open-air restaurants during the pandemic … yet disease-ridden, cartel-affiliated illegals are apparently just fine.
In fact, these criminal illegals, or disease-ridden “newcomers,” have been welcomed to the extent that they are literally posing a massive health risk … across multiple sanctuary cities.
Indeed, Long Beach, California is presently grappling with a massive tuberculosis outbreak, which is a tad more dangerous for the average person than so-called “COVID,” to put it mildly.
“The population at risk in this outbreak has significant barriers to care including homelessness and housing insecurity, mental illness, substance use and serious medical comorbidities,” Long Beach officials proclaimed.
Is that so? Ever occur to the so-called officials that “housing insecurity,” “mental illness,” and “substance abuse” are directly associated with the mass arrival of multiple millions of illegals?
Just a thought.
“Tuberculosis spreads easily where people gather in crowds or where people live in crowded conditions … People with HIV/AIDS and other people with weakened immune systems have a higher risk of catching tuberculosis than people with typical immune systems,” the officials added pointlessly.
You don’t say. That’s precisely why people who immigrate to the nation legally must undergo extensive health tests.
Of course, Biden would rather shovel in 7.2M+ fake ballots than protect the American public, as the “known” number of illegals is at least 7.2 million at this point in time.
“The outbreak is currently isolated to a distinct population and the risk to the general public is low,” the officials deceptively added.
Sure it is. Until the illegals pervade the general population, as they have already done.
On the other coast, New York City Commissioner Ashwin Vasan also weighed in on the public health crisis, directly linking it to the mass arrival of illegal migrants.
“Many people who recently arrived in NYC have lived in or traveled through countries with high rates of [tuberculosis],” Vasan remarked flatly.
Furthermore, not only are the illegals linked to a massive tuberculosis outbreak, but also a massive measlesoutbreak.
“Measles is a highly infectious febrile rash illness and was declared eliminated in the United States in 2000. However, measles importations continue to occur, and U.S. measles elimination status was threatened in 2019 as the result of two prolonged outbreaks among under-vaccinated communities in New York and New York City …
However, because of the increase in cases during the first quarter of 2024, additional activities are needed to increase U.S. routine measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination coverage, especially among close-knit and under-vaccinated communities. These activities include encouraging vaccination before international travel and rapidly investigating suspected measles cases,” the CDC reported.
Well then.
Isn’t it strange how Biden deferred to the CDC regarding all COVID restrictions for Americans, yet he disregards CDC advice regarding much deadlier diseases with regards to illegals?
Talk about Bribe’m Biden.
After all, the Chinese and whatnot definitely didn’t “invest” in him to improve the public health status of the United States.
Quite the opposite …
Author: Jane Jones
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