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McCarthy Shreds Dems’ Devious Move In Debt Debate

Biden may have babbled about “kinda” unity after the recent National Prayer Breakfast, and it comes as absolutely no surprise that “kinda” unity appeared to decline to no unity at all during his rambling State of the Union address.

For instance, despite House Speaker Kevin McCarthy stating (repeatedly) that neither Medicare nor Medicaid would be on the table in terms of budget cuts during the looming debt ceiling battle, Biden decided to declare the exact opposite during his recent address.

“Some of my Republican friends want to take the economy hostage unless I agree to their economic plans. All of you at home should know what their plans are. Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset every five years,” Biden boomed.

Yep, keep on repeating the same lies that drew the boos some Republicans are presently being roasted in the media over.

What the media leaves out is the fact that the boos, despite the rather obvious lack of decorum, did not originate in a vacuum … they originated from Democrat lies.

Even more bizarrely, Biden then proceeded to contradict himself by claiming he had “unanimity” with regards to Medicare and Medicaid.

“Folks – as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now, right? They’re not to be touched. We’ve got unanimity,” Biden bragged.

Well, that’s interesting. All of the sudden, in the span of a few minutes, the president has “unanimity” … or, at least “apparent” unanimity according to him.

While Biden is consistently unclear, McCarthy isn’t, and he called out Biden’s shameless divisive tactics for exactly what they are.

“The president was trying to goad the members and the members are passionate about it. But the one thing the president was saying is something that he knew was not true,” McCarthy remarked irritably, “I just spent an hour with him. I’ve said it many times before. Social Security and Medicare are off the table. He tries to use it for a political ploy.”

Or his scriptwriters do, as it’s pretty clear Biden can’t keep straight what he says or doesn’t say most of the time.

Including the fact that he declared in the 1990s he tried at least “four times” to reaffirm the “value” of Medicare and Medicaid, back in the days when it was actually cool to not depend on the government for a “living.”

Those were the pre-pandemic days.

“He’s trying to play politics with the debt ceiling by not negotiating, by lying about our position. I want to be responsible. I want to be sensible. I want to sit down and work through this problem,” McCarthy continued, “because look, the Democrats raised the highest debt ceiling ever and they blew through it in the shortest amount of time and now they want to come right back to it.”

Absolutely spot on correct. Dems want endless debt, though they are less passionate about actual accountability.

Then again, they dump tens of billions into a war zone with zero accountability, so what else is new?

Of course, the ultra-leftist Washington Post prefers to smear Republicans anyway, recently publishing an article titled “Social Security, Medicare brawl awaits Washington, even if not this year,” all but suggesting those big, bad Republicans are just waiting to snatch away “retirement” from individuals who may well not even see a dime of social security by the time they are able to draw from it.

According to the official Social Security website itself, the current system is totally unsustainable.

“When Franklin Roosevelt signed Social Security into law, average life expectancy was 64 and the earliest retirement age in Social Security was 65. Today, Americans on average live 14 years longer, retire three years earlier, and spend 20 years in retirement. In 1950, there were 16 workers per beneficiary; in 1960, there were 5 workers per beneficiary. Today, the ratio is 3:1 – and by 2025, there will be just 2.3 workers ‘paying in’ per beneficiary,” the website warned.

Of course, being a government website, the Social Security Administration proceeded to blare that those who are more “fortunate” will have to pay more to fund everyone else, failing to distinguish, as always, between “fortune” and “hard work.”

Ultra-wealthy heirs are born into “fortune.” Small- and medium-sized business owners, the backbone of the nation (the same backbone global elites want to snap) are not “fortunate” in that sense … they simply have a strong work ethic that has clearly grown increasingly out of style, as detailed by the dreary SSA statistics above.

Author: Jane Jones

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