Well, well, well.
Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has emerged yet again, this time on one of the most overtly liberal networks of all: MSNBC.
Humorously, despite now being paid an obscene sum of money for working for one of the networks most known for driving “rage,” Psaki insists her new career move has nothing to do with rage.
“First of all, my business is not rage. What I hope to do is bring that passion for explaining things, debunking things, calling out BS when you see it to my next job,” Psaki trilled.
Is that a fact? One can only hope she calls out BS a bit more frequently than she ever did with Biden … on the contrary, she was oftentimes the chief propagandist for Biden’s multiple lies.
Precisely why a New York Times article, “Democracy Challenged,” recently reported about Republicans and Democrats feeling edgy about the loss of democracy.
However, per Princess Psaki, who is apparently blithely unaware of the direct role she’s played in democratic destruction, the newspaper outlet is apparently “lazy” in voicing
“That [article] is lazy and also inaccurate. And also, you are not telling the full story of what’s happening in the country,” Psaki moaned.
Psaki, who must have said “circle back” a seemingly endless number of times on the rare occasion she as met with a real question, thinks that the New York Times is “lazy and inaccurate?”
If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black, what is?
Psaki then proceeded to offer her breathtakingly unique analysis into the upcoming midterm elections, pointing out what’s been acutely obvious since the Summer of 2020.
“Crime is a huge vulnerability for Democrats,” Psaki remarked.
Gee, you think?
“I would say one of the biggest vulnerabilities,” she continued more assertively, “and if you look at Pennsylvania, for example, what’s been interesting to me is it’s always you follow the money, and where are people spending money. And in Pennsylvania, the Republicans have been spending millions of dollars on the air on crime ads against [Democrat John] Fetterman because that’s where they see his vulnerability.”
Well, gee. That’s brilliant analysis right there.
People want to live in a society not filled with violent crime? You don’t say …
Her remarks are all the more humorous considering the open lies she told while previously working as a White House secretary, including the White House’s alleged partnership with law enforcement during a sea of “smash and grab” robberies that saw criminals make more money in a day than an (honest) American makes in a month (or more).
“DOJ, FBI, and federal law enforcement have been in contact where retail thefts have happened to offer assistance in investigations. And in Los Angeles where we’ve seen a rash of break-ins, the FBI is providing assistance to a multi-jurisdictional task force led by LAPD and LA Sheriff’s Department to go after the criminal groups who are behind many of these incidents,” Psaki sniffed at the time.
The National Sheriffs Association was not amused by such bald-faced lies, and they issued a fiery retort to Psaki at the time of her statement.
“Several of the national trade groups representing local law enforcement have formed their own working group to coordinate a better localized response to the latest crime trend. This group aggressively sought federal law enforcement resources to assist in this effort,” the group declared, “thus far… we are unaware of any planned, orchestrated, or cohesive response by the federal government.”
Translation = Psaki lied.
Though apparently she isn’t lying as much about the upcoming midterm realities, if only because they are so obvious.
That’s why her “advice” is to attack and deflect, the standard politician way.
“Look, I think that Democrats – if the election is about who is the most extreme, as we saw, you know, Kevin McCarthy touch on there with Marjorie Taylor Greene, I’ll say her name, sitting over his left side, then they’re going to win,” Psaki proclaimed.
Right, because Americans care more about that Representative Greene may say compared to what they may pay in the store.
Psaki then proceeded to throw Biden under the bus, chiefly by remarking that the midterms, as a referendum on Biden, would be an abysmal failure.
“If it is a referendum on the president, they will lose,” Psaki intoned.
Clearly. Probably the most honest thing she’s ever publicly said …
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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