Despite all the chaos unfolding across the planet right now, including ever-deepening geopolitical fissures that may well lead to World War III, the Dems and their lemmings remain intent on dividing the nation through their deranged “reparations” demands.
Recently, an attorney ostensibly representing residents of Palm Springs, California, delivered a highly incendiary press conference, demanding billions in reparations for residents apparently “wronged” by the city more than half a century ago.
That’s right: The attorney is demanding “upwards to $2 billion” in reparations for residents, who are apparently jumping on the nationwide bandwagon for reparations.
And what an impractical bandwagon it is.
Just how impractical are these reparations?
Well, look no further than a recent media report regarding how staggeringly impractical, not to mention immoral, the entire reparations scheme really is.
As detailed by Fox News, it will take an estimated $15 trillion to close the Black-White wealth gap.
Perhaps that is why the Biden regime is robbing everyone’s savings through rampant inflation, while simultaneously propping up illegals and others with multiple billions.
Guess that’s one way to achieve “equity” … the Communist way.
Or, more accurately, the Chinese and Russian way. Logical, given Biden’s years’ worth of business dealings with shady foreign enterprises.
Manhattan Institute fellow Charles Fain Lehman provides deep insight into just how flawed the entire reparations scheme truly is, breaking down the inconvenient numbers and facts that Dems love to ignore in their pro-reparations proselytizing.
Lehman’s report effectively eventually concludes that “the only plausible party from whom you can get the money for reparations is the American government and by extension, American taxpayers.”
No kidding. After all, taxpayers are the only ones who produce anything of value, relative to the massive fat cats in government.
And, as Lehman points out, those fat cats aren’t that bright, considering they want to rob the very immigrants they insist need to come to the nation now, however illegal their methods may be.
“That [reparations] logic becomes much harder to sustain when you have large groups of recent immigrants who are very obviously not implicated in historical injustice and who are also themselves often systematically disadvantaged … Asking those people to take responsibility for injustices 150 years ago is not something they are necessarily willing to swallow,” Lehman added.
That’s one of the most neutral ways of putting it.
After all, the Dems would be robbing hardworking Cubans, many of whom are staunch Republicans following their harrowing experience with Communism.
They would also be robbing multiple other Asian and Hispanic immigrants who came here legally, several of whom begin their own businesses.
Businesses torched during BLM protests or other race riots, in some cases.
Or shut down permanently following COVID lockdowns.
“Many Americans today are descended from people who arrived after 1865 … This is most obviously true in the case of Asian and Hispanic Americans, the overwhelming majority of whom came to the states following liberalization [of] immigration in 1965. But it is also true for large proportions of the White population,” Lehman added in remarks to Fox News Digital.
Well, the Dems and their brainwashed supporters don’t consider rather obvious implications of that.
Instead, they would rather rant and rave, starting a race war if necessary, all to maintain their power and corrupt globalist dealings.
They certainly won’t be paying out a dime to reparations, that’s for sure, but they’ll happily raid Americans’ accounts in order to do so.
“I think it is telling that there’s a fairly wide range of what the actual estimated value of reparations is, and these figures get pretty big, pretty quickly … The large figure, that $50 trillion figure, is something like 2 to 3 times larger than the total annual U.S. GDP,” Lehman observed.
Unfortuantely, leftists rarely let a little thing like reality, in particular mathematical realities, get in the way of their perverse vision.
Author: Ofelia Thornton
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