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Sanctuary State Insidiously Linked To Trafficked Children

Way to go, New York.

Or “Nueva York,” as apparently that’s where unaccompanied children at the border are being ordered to go.

Needless to say, unaccompanied children who arrive at the border holding up cards for addresses in New York is perhaps a rather large sign that sanctuary cities should end.

At bare minimum, for purposes of reducing the obvious rise in human trafficking.

Dems, being Dems, however, have apparently opted against such logical measures and instead are implementing even more measures designed to encourage a huge influx of illegal migrants.

In particular ultra-woke Mayor Eric Adams.

“The overwhelming number of migrants and asylum-seekers that are here, they want to work. I still don’t understand why the federal government is not allowing them to work. They need to have the right to work, like all of us that have come to this country have had the ability to do so,” Adams brayed.

Is that so? By all means, Adams, prioritize so-called “work” for illegals at the expense of Americans. That’s really going to help reduce the flow of illegal migrants northward.

Adams was also sure to make every excuse in the book for the obvious rise in crime rates following the invasion of illegal migrants.

“But those small numbers that have committed crimes, we need to modify the sanctuary city law that if you commit a felony or violent act, we should be able to turn you over to [United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement] and have you deported,” Adams declared.

A rather humorous assessment. Adams claims that only “small numbers” of illegals have committed crimes … apparently forgetting that entering the country illegally is a crime in and of itself.

That means all illegal migrants have committed at least one crime, but Dems are so detached from the definition of crime, not to mention lawful living in general, that they don’t even consider illegally entering the nation a crime anymore.

Adams continued to make a number of excuses for illegal migrants are running rampant in New York, which is even more insulting to people with a brain.

“People tell me all the time, they see me on the street and they say, ‘Well, Eric, why don’t you stop the buses from coming in?’ It’s against the law, I can’t. ‘Why don’t you allow those who want to work — allow them to work?’ It’s against the law — the federal law — I can’t. ‘Why do you say you have to house everyone that [comes] in?’ Because that’s the law. ‘Why don’t you deport those who commit crimes and harm people that are not doing the right thing?’ It’s against the law, I can’t,” Adams proclaimed.

That’s funny … Considering many COVID measures were technically “against the law” as well, yet New York had zero issue passing rather intolerant “mandates” for American citizens.

And it’s also “against the law” for unaccompanied minors to be trafficked, though Adams conveniently didn’t address that little fact either.

Per a report from the Daily Mail, unaccompanied migrant children have now been showing up at the border, requesting to be taken to “Nueva York.”

Rather sketchy, to say the least.

A report from the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services certainly underscored the sketchiness, noting that “children who arrive in the United States unaccompanied are especially vulnerable to exploitation.”

You don’t say.

Needless to say, unaccompanied migrant children showing up at the border is a new low, even for the Dems.

Especially Dems that have long claimed Trump “broke up families” at the border.

Now, it’s rather clear that families more than willingly broke themselves up, as evidenced by children showing up at the border alone.

“What kind of parents send their kids alone all that way?” one commenter online queried.

“The kind that sold them online and shipped them via your liberal politician’s policies,” another user remarked coolly.

Very disturbing, yet highly likely to be true.

Needless to say, federal law makes it very clear that such situations should never be permitted.

As detailed on the official webpage for the Department of Justice, 1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses is explicit about yet another crime illegals are clearly committing with impunity: “Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who — encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.”

Perhaps Eric Adams, along with other ultra-woke governors, should consider policies that don’t encourage the trafficking of children.

Author: Jane Jones

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