If only teachers’ unions were as passionate about getting students back into the classroom during the pandemic as they are passionate about literally robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Recently, Randi Weingarten, the dubious President of the American Federation of Teachers, had nothing short of a hysterical breakdown outside the Supreme Court.
That’s right: Bullhorn in tow, Weingarten veritably terrified crowds outside the Supreme Court by screaming and yelling about Emperor Biden’s alleged “right” to utterly ignore the separation of powers and hijack nearly half a trillion (or more) in taxpayer revenues to pay for other individuals’ insanely irresponsible indebtedness.
“This is what really pisses me off … During the pandemic, we understood that small businesses were hurting, and we helped them, and it didn’t go to the Supreme Court to challenge it. Big businesses were hurting and we helped them, and it didn’t go to the Supreme Court to challenge it,” Weingarten screeched.
“We” helped them? Really? That’s interesting, considering that working parents suffered tremendously from woke teachers refusing to go back to work.
Furthermore, as far as comparing student debt with business relief is concerned …Talk about an apples and oranges comparison.
Businesses were only “hurt” due to the government forcing them to shut down … whereas the student debt she’s screaming about was acquired years before the pandemic.
Plus, many former students, especially of the millennial variety, are little more than mini Marxists anyway.
Moreover, no one forced “students” to take on immensely irresponsible debt, yet the government absolutely forced businesses to close … for no reason, other than deliberate disempowerment of Americans who actually don’t want to depend on government benefits for life.
Not that those little facts get in the way of Weingarten’s extraordinary sense of entitlement with regards to other taxpayers’ money.
“All of a sudden, when it’s about our students, they challenge it! The corporations challenge it! The student loan lenders challenge it! That is not right! That is not fair! And that is what we are fighting for when we say cancel student debt!” Weingarten bellowed, jumping violently up and down for emphasis.
So, an “argument” based largely on hysteria and open theft of other people’s money.
Kind of like the militant transgender movement that these woke schools have engendered in the first place.
Indeed, the student debt debate has clearly raised its ugly head yet again, something that the Biden administration is undoubtedly seething about.
Considering that the Supreme Court is currently evaluating the alleged constitutionality of Biden’s hairbrained debt “forgiveness” scheme, which was purely engendered to (literally) buy votes from gullible former students who apparently believe that everyone should kowtow to their Marxist views while simultaneously paying for all their debts they recklessly acquired.
Shortly before the midterms, the Biden administration stunned the nation by brazenly declaring that upwards of $10,000-$20,000 in student debt would be “forgiven” for each borrower, though “forgiven” really means stolenfrom taxpayers.
The taxpayers who didn’t take on irresponsible debt, the taxpayers who may have not even gone to college in the first place due to the exorbitant costs.
In other words, Biden continues his standard “strategy” of rewarding the irresponsible while punishing the responsible.
While simultaneously (and increasingly desperately) depending upon the tax revenues from their hard work for all his irresponsible spending.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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