Oops, he’s done it again!
It was under two weeks ago that Biden proclaimed, “God save the Queen, man,” bizarrely at the end of an anti-Second Amendment gathering.
No clarification has been forthcoming regarding his bizarre remark.
Now, in perhaps an even more bizarre, and utterly tone-deaf, move, Biden has apparently decided that it’s a great idea to bring Hunter of all people along with him to Camp David.
The same Hunter who just evaded paying taxes on upwards of $8M+ in foreign revenue … revenue that’s known about, anyway.
The same Hunter who openly threatened a Chinese associate in 2017, using his father’s name for leverage.
What an utterly disastrous public relations nightmare, and what an utterly disturbing display of the extreme confidence that Biden apparently has in his infallibility.
As detailed by Fox News, varied individuals reacted with disgust, demonstrating clear amazement at the gall Biden’s poor decision exhibits.
One such person includes Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch.
“This week, federal government whistleblowers allege massive DOJ/FBI corrupt obstruction to protect Hunter and Biden family. And Biden regime sweetheart plea deal with Hunter is announced. Joe Biden’s response? Bring Hunter to WH for a State Dinner and then off to Camp David for the weekend with him,” Fitton remarked in disgust.
The disgust is shared by many.
GOP communicator Steve Guest was even more succinct and to the point.
“Lots of business to discuss?” Guest inquired drolly.
Apparently. Fitting they’d squabble over their respective percentages at Camp David, of all places.
On top of all the egregious wrongs associated with this situation, Big Tech has also taken it upon themselves to protect the nefarious duo.
Indeed, when searching for “Hunter” and “backlash” with regards to Camp David, Google delivers a rather uninspiring response at the top.
“It looks like the results below are changing quickly. If this topic is new, it can sometimes take time for reliable sources to publish information,” Google urges, before delivering two recommendations for action.
“Check the source: Are they trusted on this topic? [and] Come back later: Other sources might have more information on this topic in a few hours or days,” the Big Tech platform advised.
“Other sources might have more information.” Yeah. Not surprising either.
After all, the CIA had more disinformation regarding the Hunter Biden laptop shortly after the New York Post, chiefly in the form of 50+ corrupt “intelligence” officers signing off on a letter claiming the laptop was Russian disinformation, when it was clearly anything but.
Years later, the media decided to validate what conservatives (and real intelligence officers) knew to be true all along.
So, Big Tech is covering up for big time Biden corruption again, to the extent one wonders if Soros invests as much in corrupt tech executives as he does in lawless district attorneys.
In either situation, Biden has done something completely insane, again, and the puppet masters overseeing him and Obama ensured that Big Tech intervened to cast doubt in Americans’ minds as to whether or not Biden was up to something shady with his literal partner in crime son.
Big Tech and Democrat coverups.
What a surprise!
… Not to mention the worst combination of all time for the security of the United States’ future.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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