Bungling Biden, who is all too eager to blame Putin for apparently everything, was surely caught off guard in light of the fact that Senator Rand Paul is effectively doing his job for him.
Heck, Paul basically did Fauci’s job for him, chiefly by giving the real, science-based facts as opposed to Fauci’s shameless big pharma marketing, so it’s only natural that he takes on the nation’s next most critical issue: an insanely overheated economy, in terms of inflation, coupled with rather insufficient growth.
Bidenflation may well devolve into stagflation before the year ends, or, as Ms. Psaki likes to say, “the Putin price hike.”
Paul remains nonplussed by such ridiculous remarks, as evidenced by the actionable plan he’s just presented for combatting inflation, revealed in a recent press release.
Under the “Six Penny Plan,” it may well be possible for the federal government to balance its ballooning budget within the next five years.
“Five years ago, we could balance our budget with a freeze in spending without cutting anything. Since then, our debt has skyrocketed to $30 trillion with $2 trillion just from this past year,” Paul intoned, “We are now in a situation that a simple penny, two, three, or even a five pennies per-dollar reduction is insufficient to balance our budget. It requires six. We cannot keep ignoring this problem at the expense of taxpayers, and my budget will put our nation on track to solve this crisis that Congress created.”
The White House also can’t keep whining about Putin causing everything, especially since such nonstop whining is indicative of the reality that the White House has no plan for anything … aside from point, blame, and shame.
The plan itself provides concrete insight into exactly how Paul envisions the White House balancing the budget in the next five years, broken down on an annual basis.
In other words, Paul works towards solutions while the White House works towards excuses.
Furthermore, Paul’s plan shows real concern for real Americans’ struggles right now, unlike Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, who apparently feels just fine boasting about her extremely expensive, taxpayer-funded EV … and brazenly declaring she could care less how high gasoline prices climb.
“After for a long time to have enough chips in this country to finally get my electric vehicle, I got it and drove it from Michigan to here this last weekend and went by every single gas station. It didn’t matter how high it was,” Stabenow bragged.
Wow. What amazingly tone-deaf commentary from an obviously Democrat “representative” of the people.
Is Ms. Stabenow aware of the fact that blaring about her indifference to high gasoline prices effectively illustrates her indifference towards her constituents?
Apparently, she isn’t, as she proceeds to shamelessly promote electric vehicles for all, as if that’s an even remotely viable option for the vast majority of Americans.
“I’m looking forward to the opportunity for us to move to vehicles that aren’t going to be dependent on the whims of the oil companies!” she trilled.
Is that so?
Well, Republicans are looking even more forward to shredding the Dems in the upcoming midterm elections.
Author: Jane Jones

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