If you thought the Democrats’ obsession with destroying any concept of male versus female amongst children is perverse, just wait until you hear about the next “gender ideology” they’re pushing.
In fact, they’re not even pushing gender anymore … they’re pushing straight up demonic self-identification.
As reported by Fox News, the latest trend amongst gender obsessed militants is apparently “gender hybrids,” in particular the “gender Minotaur.”
Diane Ehrensaft, a self-identified “feminist,” who somehow fails to define what a female is, is in strong favor of a “gender revolution,” especially for impressionable children addicted to screens.
Ehrensaft, who disturbingly serves as the so-called Director of mental health and chief psychologist at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital gender development center, is apparently all in favor of children identifying as a “minotaur.”
“I totally agree we are in the midst of a gender revolution and the children are leading it. And it’s a wonderful thing to see. And it’s also humbling to know [children] know more than we do about this topic of being gender expansive,” Ehrensaft brayed.
“Gender expansive,” huh? That’s one way of putting it.
Kind of like how tyrants use the term “cleansing” for genocide.
“I started meeting a whole bunch of other gender hybrids. And so, we have the gender Prius, we have a gender Minotaur … And most of the kids who are gender minotaurs love mermaids. So make sure you have a lot of mermaid books. If you really you think about it, it works,” the “feminist” and “psychologist” for children added psychotically.
A “gender Minotaur.” What an utterly terrifying concept.
Especially when one reads into the history of what a minotaur really is.
“Now, we’ve got genders moving boulders, and it makes a lot of people nervous,” the ultra-militant sneered.
Well, yes, Ms. Ehrensaft, most people should be nervous about children being encouraged to self-identify as actual demons.
Which is precisely where the minotaur reference comes from, per ancient Greek mythology.
“Deep inside the Labyrinth on the island of Crete lived a Minotaur, a monster half man, half bull. Imprisoned there by his stepfather, King Minos of Crete, he dined on human flesh supplied by the city of Athens. Every nine years, Minos commanded Athens to send 14 youths in tribute. The horrible rite continued until the Athenian hero Theseus came to Crete, entered the Labyrinth, and slew the beast,” the National Geographicdetails.
So, in other words, Democrats, who are all too quick to screech about gun control whenever a school shooting occurs, are also all too quick to encourage children to literally identify as demonic beasts that apparently “dine on human flesh” per mythology.
Something suggests self-identified demons are more likely to commit horrific massacres, regardless of how much gun control is implemented.
And, just in case the blatant push of children into demonic behavior isn’t obvious enough, some ultra-leftist interests are straight up calling for children to “summon their demons” … with taxpayer funds.
As reported by The Blaze, a taxpayer-funded contemporary arts center in Minnesota, Walker Art Center, apparently hosts “demon summoning” activities for children to “participate in a playful ceremony to summon and befriend their demon.”
As if this nation needs any more demons in its present state.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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