The hits just keep on coming for the transgender militants and their pitiable pseudoscience.
And one of the biggest hits of all came this week, when the UK’s NHS has abruptly halted all “gender identity” treatments for individuals under the age of 18, following a devastating report from Dr. Hilary Cass.
Per Cass, the NHS’s “gender identity services,” have been supported by “remarkably weak evidence,”
Funny. Kind of like various vaccines pushed on the entire population.
On top of that, Cass, much like doctors who questioned the efficacy of the vaccine, has also faced open abuse and bullying for her work.
Which means she’s probably arriving to the truth. Which is that gender therapy does nothing positive for confused children.
“Despite the best intentions of everyone with a stake in this complex issue, the toxicity of the debate is exceptional … I have faced criticism for engaging with groups and individuals who take a social justice approach and advocate for gender affirmation, and have equally been criticised for involving groups and individuals who urge more caution,” Cass remarked in amazement.
In other words, a reasonable person can’t win.
But that doesn’t stop the reasonable person from trying to instill more civility in a deeply uncivil era.
“There are few other areas of healthcare where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behaviour. This must stop …
Polarisation and stifling of debate do nothing to help the young people caught in the middle of a stormy social discourse, and in the long run will also hamper the research that is essential to finding the best way of supporting them to thrive,” Cass added pointedly.
In other words, Cass’s heart truly is with confused children who need love and support, not sex transition surgeries that they are highly likely to regret.
As detailed by the Daily Mail, Cass’s findings were effectively long overdue.
Hannah Barnes, a prolific reporter on NHS gender services praised the “incredibly thorough report,” adding that a “huge debt of gratitude” is owed for Cass’s efforts.
“It’s incredibly thorough – I think society owes Dr Hilary Cass and her team a huge debt of gratitude for the time that she’s put in and the care – the language is very compassionate …
For me, it tells us what we’ve known for very many years and really I’m left with the question of why it has taken so long… to really tackle this. We’ve known this is a very vulnerable population of young people for many years,” Barnes declared.
Indeed, the entire world should think Cass … or the part of the world that bought into the Dems’ nonsense gender ideology in the first place.
“We’ve known the evidence base is weak and severely lacking for very many years. What has been recommended today is the right pathway – you take a young person and you treat them as an individual, as a whole being,” Barnes continued.
Alas, libs don’t care about “the whole being.”
They care about checking boxes and stirring up division based upon those boxes.
Hardly a “unified” approach.
Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at gender critical campaign group Sex Matters, told BBC Radio 5 Live, also praised Cass’s work.
“It’s an amazing piece of work and a stinging indictment of the NHS … Bad help is worse than nothing. I’m sorry to say that the NHS treatment for gender-distressed children has been worse than nothing,” Joyce proclaimed, warning against the ongoing “pernicious influence of gender-identity ideology.”
Even globalist Rishi Sunak, the present prime minister of the UK, praised the report’s findings, suggesting he may well be more sane than Biden-Harris.
Specifically, Sunak urged “extreme caution” in treating individuals under the age of 18.
Meanwhile, Biden and Harris have just launched yet another militant transgender campaign – “Out for Biden” – clearly doubling down on the madness of the entire ideology.
That said, Cass’s work really struck home where it really matters: the teens who regret “transitioning” in the first place.
One such individual, Keira Bell, underwent a transition from a woman to a man at the age of 16 before later de-transitioning back to her original sex.
It is safe to say that she is grateful for the real science.
“Thank you, Hilary Cass,” Bell wrote on X.
Indeed. Thank you very, very much.
May the reverberations of this report continue in the years to come …
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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