Late last year, the Biden regime bragged that it had taken 110 actions on “energy efficiency rules,” otherwise known as limiting consumer choice and ramming an unproven climate agenda down Americans’ throats.
Remember the efforts to ban gas stoves and gas-powered cars?
Now, the White House has decided to compete with 2022 by passing even more draconian restrictions.
As detailed by Fox News, the Department of Energy (DOE) is at it again, this time waging war on yet another consumer appliance: water heaters.
“The Department of Energy (DOE) proposed energy efficiency regulations on water heaters late Friday, saying the new standards would go into effect in 2029 and save Americans billions of dollars while reducing carbon emissions. However, experts interviewed by Fox News Digital said the standards would ban cheaper alternatives, create minimal utility bill savings and reduce consumer choice …
Under the rule, the federal government would require higher efficiency for heaters using heat pump technology or, in the case of gas-fired water heaters, to achieve efficiency gains through condensing technology,” the outlet noted.
So, in other words, the federal government is mandating what consumers can and cannot buy for their own private residences.
Talk about government overreach.
Which is all the more galling when multiple government officials, including Mr. Pete Buttigieg, travel endlessly and pointlessly on taxpayer-funded private jets to do … effectively nothing, aside from some phony appearance with prewritten (likely ghostwritten) remarks.
Needless to say, more than one expert is aghast at the White House’s deranged plans.
Mark Krebs, a mechanical engineer and energy policy consultant, is largely unimpressed by the White House’s nefarious plans for water heaters, as evidenced from his remarks to Fox.
“Their plan is to electrify everything they possibly can because they are under this distorted fantasy that renewables will be plentiful and cheap and reliable. They are none of the above … The physics defy what they want to do, the raw materials defy what they want to do, a free-market economy defies what they want to do,” Krebs remarked wryly.
“The physics defy what they want to do.” Love it. So much for “following the science.”
Apparently, the Biden regime fails to “follow the science” in pandemics and Green Deal initiatives alike.
Krebs, who also served as a former DOE advisor, noted that the new plans launched by the White House will undoubtedly hurt consumers’ wallets.
As if the current damage from Bidenflation isn’t enough.
Even worse, the latest and not-so-greatest plans from the White House are also moving the United States closer and closer to an “administrative state.”
“This is the administrative state – this is how they work … It’s in their best interest to keep increasing their regulatory reach. That’s how they work,” Krebs continued.
Translation: More and more choice taken from consumers, which means that the nation is moving further from capitalism and closer towards communism.
Which is precisely why Ben Lieberman, who serves as a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, blasted the blatant “agenda” of the White House.
“One of the things about these appliance standards – they’re all problematic – is they take away consumer choice … There’s a real effort underway by regulators to take away the natural gas option by making it less desirable …
I think what we’re seeing with gas stoves and furnaces is what we’re also seeing here with water heaters … The gas versions of water heaters will survive, but they’ll be more expensive and they’ll be a less desirable option than electric. So, this is using efficiency regulations to impose the electrification agenda,” Lieberman observed.
On top of that, the White House’s plan, like too many other “Green Deal” plans, will destroy even more American jobs.
According to Frank Windsor, who serves as the president of Rinnai America Corporation, multiple jobs will be “at risk” following the latest restrictions implemented by the Biden regime.
“As currently drafted, DOE’s proposed rule will create an uneven market that effectively bans an already energy efficient product and puts American jobs at risk … Consumers who rely on access to tankless water heaters will see their options limited, resulting in higher energy bills and shorter appliance lifespans, while the very environmental goals prompting this rule will go unfulfilled,” Windsor warned.
So, in other words, the new rules may be passed under the guise of alleged environmental objectives, though the reality is that the “Green Deal” serves as little more than a veneer that enables increasing federal overreach and continued destruction of the free market economy.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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