In a rather troubling turn of events, multiple law students at the supposedly esteemed New York University (NYU) law school apparently support the viewpoint that Israel has “full responsibility” for the despicable dismemberment of children, among many other deplorable acts committed by Iran-backed Hamas.
Frankly, ultra-woke universities and corporations desperate to be woke bear almost “full responsibility” for creating such hateful militants in the first place.
Particularly of trans variety, who gleefully exploit their Democrat-ordained special privileges while simultaneously siding with terrorists.
As reported by the Daily Mail, Ryna Workman, who serves as the Student Bar Association (SBA) President at NYU, was all too eager to gloat about the massacre that has killed, to date, well over 1,000 individuals in Israel … including at least a dozen or more Americans.
Given that Ms. Workman, who predictably identifies as “non-binary,” was actually elected to this position by other students, it’s safe to say that her views, which allegedly include “organizing for what’s right and [pushing] for real change in my community,” are just fine with other woke law students who were obviously admitted due to their ability to tick off racial and gender identity boxes.
They most certainly were not admitted for their intellect or even the most basic of basic legal savvy, as evidenced by the hatred that the non-binary Workman put in writing.
And what hatred it was.
“Hi y’all,” Workman began, perhaps one of the most egregiously out of touch ways to begin a statement of hate.
After all, she had exactly zero “Southern Hospitality” to offer.
“This week, I want to express, first and foremost, my unwavering and absolute solidarity with Palestinians in their resistance against oppression toward liberation and self-determination … Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life,” Workman brayed pompously.
Beyond disgusting and indefensible. Full stop.
What’s even more despicable is that Workman occupies a position of supposed standing at one of the nation’s most elite law school institutions.
“This regime of state-sanctioned violence created the conditions that made resistance necessary,” Workman continued to rant in her written statement, which has the apparent backing of the entire NYU SBA, if not NYU administrators themselves.
Workman, like most woke students admitted purely on the basis of their conveniently created identity, also doesn’t know how to focus, as she vacillated from ranting about Israel to ranting about the United States.
“I condemn the violence of the United States military-industrial complex,” Workman continued to rage.
Wow. Way to stay focused on the cause, Workman, but, then again, she has no cause, aside from waking up every single day looking for groups to dehumanize and deem worthy of apparent execution.
Today, it’s apparently Israeli infants.
Quite terrifying, really. Imagine her as a lawyer.
Oh, sorry … Imagine them as a lawyer, as “they” likely consider a violation of “their” so-called pronouns more offensive than a literal massacre. Ha!
Needless to say, NYU’s Law School Dean Troy McKenzie offered a pathetic response to the “non-binary” law student.
“This message was not from NYU School of Law as an institution and does not speak for the leadership of the Law School … It certainly does not express my own views, because I condemn the killing of civilians and acts of terrorism as always reprehensible,” McKenzie whined.
Oh, please spare us all. It’s because of woke administrators like McKenzie that terrorist sympathizers have a megaphone in the first place.
Not to mention ultra-woke law firms.
Predictably, Winston & Strawn has employed the hateful NYU law student for the past two summers, clearly showing rather tacit support for literally genocidal hatred.
But hey, they have transgenders to defend.
“Transgender individuals also face a long list of daily indignities and insults when they are simply trying to board a flight, check into a hotel, or order an alcoholic beverage and their government-issued ID does not match their gender identification … Since 2019, Winston & Strawn attorneys have helped nearly 30 transgender individuals complete the identify-affirming and life-changing process of having an ID that matches their gender identity,” the law firm pompously declares when advertising its pro bono “transgender services.”
Little wonder that such a firm would consistently employ, and in doing so empower, an individual who is absolutely laden with hatred and utterly merciless in their self-justified hatred.
Even when dozens upon dozens of victims are literally infants.
Worse, an individual promulgating that hatred from the “credible” position of being the SBA President at NYU law school, as well as a “summer associate” at a pretentious law firm that apparently can’t specialize in much, aside from aiding and abetting terrorist supporters who effectively celebrate the massacre of infants, children, and other innocents in writing.
What a joke …
One can only hope that the media finally learns to “cancel” the right institutions, starting with the ilk of NYU Law School, Winston & Strawn, and other institutions that gleefully empower hate.
Either that, or they can wait for all the rather anti-woke terrorists that Biden is eagerly letting cross into the border cancel them with a mass terrorist attack, coupled with new authoritarian regime, which is likely what America-hating Obama and Joe “Bribem” agreed to years ago.
“Virtue voting” has consequences …
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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