House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not only faced a slew of criticism from conservatives following her husband’s drunken joyride in his new Porsche on Saturday night, which culminated with crashing into a 48-year-old driver’s 2014 Jeep.
For reasons unknown, it took over 80 minutes for Pelosi’s husband to be arrested for driving heavily under the influence.
However, Pelosi is also now encountering additional criticism from one of her key primary challengers, Shahid Buttar, who has shredded the House Speaker as a “corrupt oligarch.”
In an interview with the New York Post, the same publication that faced Twitter censorship over Biden’s laptop story, Buttar declared that it was obviously important “to prosecute drunk driving,” though the Pelosi clan raises even more serious considerations on average.
For instance, Buttar took aim at Pelosi’s rather obvious, “continuing history of insider trading,” which is especially problematic in light of Pelosi’s repeated resistance to legislation aimed to curb politicians from trading stocks while passing bills that directly impact stock performance.
Buttar also shredded Pelosi’s ongoing “refusal to debate any challengers since 1987,” underscoring her opposition to the debates, which are characteristic of a functioning democracy.
However, while Pelosi may eschew debates and other practices considered to be standard in democracies, she has more than eagerly taken advantage of insider knowledge, as she and her husband have purchased multiple millions of dollars’ worth of varied call options for different equities, as well as outright stock purchases.
For instance, public servant Pelosi and her husband spent an estimated $2.2M on Tesla shares alone in March.
Estimates of the Pelosi household’s total worth range from $100M to $300M.
At one point, Pelosi reportedly purchased a $25M estate in Florida, likely to escape the effects of her policies in California, though Pelosi’s camp vehemently denied this purchase.
Given that BLM has used charity funds to purchase $6M mansions in California, Pelosi’s move to a $25M mansion in Florida would be practical and generally aligned with Democrat budgeting.
“She’s not someone there to represent constituents,” Buttar continued, “she’s there to fill her pockets, and her record proves it’s what she spent most of her time doing.”

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