As insufferable as the antics of the so-called “Squad” in Congress can be, they can be the source of periodic entertainment, especially when they attempt to punch above their weight in debates.
Which, to be fair, occurs almost all the time, but it is especially pronounced when they attempt to debate actual industry professionals.
Resident “Squad” zealot Rashida Tlaib, who spends most of her time in Congress accusing everyone of racism, in particular the police, recently attempted to “grill” the CEOs from the largest banks in the nation.
It didn’t go well, much to the amusement of several conservative pundits.
Tlaib’s interaction with J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon was particularly hilarious, given the ways in which his terse response utterly roasted the insipidity of her questions.
“You have all committed, as you all know, to transition the emissions from lending and investment activities to align with pathways to net zero in 2050,” Tlaib began.
Apparently, questions regarding more immediate matters, such as inflation, failed to motivate Tlaib before this meeting.
“Do you know what the International Energy Agency has said is required to meet our global 2050 net sterile targets of limiting global temperature rise to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, or 1.5 degrees Celsius?” Tlaib queried, “so no new fossil fuel production starting today, that’s, so that’s like zero.”
Oh, that’s really practical. Shut down an entire global industry today.
No wonder Elon Musk has been valiantly attempting to persuade environmental militants to gradually transition to “cleaner” energy, apparently to no avail.
At this point, Tlaib attempted to “grill” banking executives, namely the aforementioned Dimon.
“Please answer with a simple yes or no – does your bank have a policy against funding new oil and gas products? Mr. Dimon?” Tlaib demanded.
Dimon’s response was terse, brutal, and utterly on point.
“Absolutely not,” Dimon declared, “and that would be the road to hell for America.”
Clearly taken aback by his response, Tlaib issued a rambling retort that had absolutely nothing to do with clean energy, as she clearly didn’t have any more prewritten notes to read from.
So, instead, she goes on a rambling rant about student debt.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Tlaib raged, “that’s why sir, you know what, everybody that got relief from student loans, has a bank account with your bank should probably take out their account and close their account, the fact that you’re not even there to help relieve many of the folks that are in debt, extreme debt because of student loan debt, and you’re out there criticizing it.”
What? It’s hard to decipher what she’s even saying, never mind what that has to do (at all) with clean energy on any level.
That’s what happens in an adult debate, not some softball woke feelings session in a university classroom.
Author: Jane Jones

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