Top GOP Candidate Gives Surprise Response On Trump Pardon

Nikki Haley, who has rapidly ascended in the polls in recent weeks, just issued a rather startling response to relentless inquiries over whether or not she would consider pardoning Trump.

And if the media was chomping at the bit to create a “showdown” between Haley and Trump over the matter, then the woke outlets are likely to be deeply disappointed by the fact that Haley directly stated she would pardon Trump.

“Pardoning Trump and moving on is in the best interest of the country,” Haley replied crisply.

Absolutely right. Especially if Trump is jailed with evidence about as solid as the evidence presented in third-world dictatorships, which are hardly known for their respect for due process.

“It’s not about guilt or innocence. It’s about what is in the best interest of the country,” Haley continued.

A slightly crafty remark, given that one could infer Haley may think Trump is guilty, especially when she says the pardon is not about “guilt or innocence.”

That said, at least Haley reiterated that the “best interest of the country” is the driving motivation.

It would most definitely be in the best interests of the United States to not devolve into a third-world dictatorship, no matter how much the Chinese are effectively paying a compromised Biden to achieve exactly that.

“I don’t think our country will move forward with an 80-year-old president sitting in jail that allows our country to continue to be divided. We have to move on past that,” Haley continued.

Do we ever. It’s a shame the Democrats haven’t gotten that memo, especially as it’s been their witch hunt that’s empowered Trump in the first place.

Haley is certainly on a roll lately, in spite of the media’s pitiable attempts to smear her over the Civil War. These attempts are a tad ironic, given the ways in which the current media is doing its best to foment massive internal division now.

That said, Haley has shrugged off liberal media attacks and scored support from key influential figures, including New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu.

Late last year, Sununu openly endorsed Haley for the New Hampshire primary, which will certainly set the tone for the months coming forward.

“This is a race between two people: Nikki Haley and Donald Trump … That’s it. Nikki’s spent the time on the ground here, she’s earned people’s trust, and that’s going to be the real decider,” Sununu mused.

So, in other words, Haley did more in New Hampshire than Biden did during his entire 2020 “campaign.”

“This is an opportunity for New Hampshire to lead this country, for New Hampshire to say we’re not looking in the rearview mirror anymore,” Sununu added.

Indeed. One would certainly prefer New Hampshire, rather than New York, to take the lead.

Currently, Haley trails Trump by only 4 percentage points in New Hampshire, which is set to have its Republican primary before the end of January.

A statistic that her rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, clearly has not responded favorably to.

“Even a campaigner as good as Chris is not going to be able to paper over Nikki being an establishment candidate,” DeSantis declared.

Well, to be frank, Trump, Haley, and DeSantis would all be better options than Biden, Newsom, and Clinton, not to mention any other deranged Democrat that foreign powers may attempt to instill.

Regardless, Haley’s generally cool and collected demeanor is certainly preferable over Biden’s dementia-laden bluster.

“Anti-Trumpers don’t think I hate him enough, pro-Trumpers don’t think I love him enough. At the end of the day, I put my truths out there and let the chips fall where they may,” Haley mused.

Indeed. It will be quite curious to see where the chips fall in the coming weeks.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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