If there is one thing the Western world doesn’t need, it’s another globalist woke leftist who apparently considers free speech to be the equivalent of weapons of mass destruction.
And in case the above appears to be a rather extreme remark, it should be noted that the above is an effective summation of the words straight out of the mouth of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern during a highly incendiary, highly publicized speech.
“As leaders, we are rightly concerned that even those most light-touch approaches to disinformation could be misinterpreted as being hostile to the values of free speech that we value so highly,” Ardern began.
Oh, really? How about the “heavy-touch approaches to disinformation” used by the media, oftentimes aided and abetted by Big Tech?
Not only the despicable censorship of the Hunter Biden story, but also virtually every other inconvenient story that the media does not want to surface regarding their darling Democrats.
“But while I cannot tell you today what the answer is to this challenge, I can say with complete certainty that we cannot ignore it. To do so poses an equal threat to the norms we all value,” Ardern intoned.
Ah, but of course. Cue Big Brother censorship then, why don’t you?
Oh, wait … they already did.
“After all, how do you successfully end a war if people are led to believe the reason for its existence is not only legal but noble? How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists?” Ardern demanded indignantly.
Not sure, Ardern. Ask whoever blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is presently leading to a massive, unmitigated environmental disaster.
Moreover, how do you “successfully” have democracy if a small number of elites control all the definitions of words, which are oftentimes subject to change, alongside the use of those words?
And Ardern apparently can’t stand words in general.
“The weapons may be different but the goals of those who perpetuate them is often the same: To cause chaos and reduce the ability of others to defend themselves, to disband communities, to collapse the collective strength of countries who work together,” Ardern raged.
Wow. So, words are “weapons.” That’s great. Spoken like a true dictator who cannot stand any form of opposition. Much like the various world dictators they claim to be opposed to. On the surface, anyway, as it seems they envy the power authoritarians seem to wield more than anything else.
Case in point: psychotic government overreach during the pandemic.
Including the overly extreme restrictions on physical movements during pandemics, which New Zealand was absolutely notorious for.
“But we have an opportunity here to ensure that these particular weapons of war do not become an established part of warfare,” she continued indignantly.
In that case, Ms. Ardern, politicians are welcome to silence themselves first.
What’s with all the suspiciously young, woke, millennial world leaders anyway? From Canada to Finland to New Zealand, the world appears rife with “leaders” that have quite limited experience and rather Marxist millennial mindsets.
Which is precisely why Ardern’s speech was widely skewered.
Actor Nick Searcy, for instance, observed that Ardern was using blatant fear tactics in her assessment of climate change.
“Climate change has always existed, for millions and millions of years,” Searcy remarked, “only in the last 100 years have evil communists claimed that they can control it in order to enslave the stupid idiots they can scare into believing them.”
That’s right. Extreme politicians always need to scare the population somehow, some way.
Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who exposed widespread corruption in the American intelligence community, baldly declared that Ardern was the effective “face of authoritarianism” in her remarks.
“This is the face of authoritarianism – even though it looks different than you were taught to expect. And it’s the mindset of tyrants everywhere: This is someone so inebriated by her sense of righteousness and superiority that she views dissent as an evil too dangerous to allow,” Greenwald warned.
In other words, young “progressives” are little more than mini-Fascists in training wheels, waiting on commands from their elitist overseers.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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