“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best … They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Remember how enraged the mainstream media was when Trump uttered these wholly truthful remarks?
Of course, the media left out the last sentence, wherein Trump acknowledged “good people,” and instead fixated on “rapists,” “drugs,” and other serious issues.
Issues that, not so coincidentally, have escalated within the nation as millions of illegals have streamed across the border.
In hindsight, Trump’s commentary, all of a few years old, is rather tame compared to the reality of illegals crossing the border now.
First and foremost, there is a very real and growing threat of terrorist crossing the border, with several hundred individuals on terrorist watch lists being caught at the border within the past year alone.
So, if hundreds were caught, who knows how many got away.
Secondly, based on a recently published news report, it appears that illegals who engage in human sacrificeare apparently crossing the border as well.
That’s right: Michelle Angelica Pineda, a deranged killer affiliated with the Artistas Asesinos, or Artist Assassins, was recently found in Texas, if only because Mexican authorities were urgently seeking her.
Rather telling that she feels “safer” to commit crimes in the United States than Mexico.
And it’s no assumption she intends to commit crimes – in fact, her hotel room was full of items that render actual criminal charges in Texas.
According to a report from The Blaze, Pineda was found in a hotel in El Paso, Texas, alongside “a cache of weapons – guns, knives, and machetes – as well as drugs like Xanax, cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl.”
Too bad Pineda wasn’t in California. She’d already be released by now, assuming she’d even be arrested in the first place.
And while her violent cartel killings are bad enough, what’s really terrifying is that she apparently enjoys engaging in human sacrifice.
“Though her alleged leadership role among the Artistas Asesinos may sound bad enough, it’s hardly the worst accusation against her. She and her fellow gang members also supposedly murdered five people, dismembered their bodies, and then offered some of their body parts to a Mexican folk saint known as Santa Muerte, or Holy Death,” The Blaze added.
Wow. Trump didn’t even mention terrorists or individuals who apparently enjoy human sacrifices, yet those are just a few examples of the illegals streaming across the border.
Far from not sending “their best,” other nations appear to be sending their absolute worst.
Which even the FBI admitted.
“Pineda was known for her extreme brutality such as dismembering bodies, removing hearts, and placing the hearts in front of ‘Santa Muerte’ altars and statutes,” the FBI brayed.
You don’t say.
One FBI agent was clearly relieved he could actually do his job, namely FBI El Paso Special Agent John Morales.
“Today’s deportation highlights the swift action of our agents and our significant partnerships by successfully taking a violent assassin off our streets and putting her back into the hands of Mexican law enforcement to be tried for her crimes,” Morales declared.
In light of this type of individual being found in Texas, it’s amazing the Supreme Court has disabled Texas from effective self-defense.
Author: Jane Jones

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