New Poll Presents New Headache For Trump

Today’s the day: The first GOP primary of the season.

Indeed, Iowa is set to play a huge role in the GOP race moving forward, especially as the race has substantially narrowed over the last several weeks.

At present, three ostensibly viable candidates remain: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis.

While Trump is by far and away the clear winner, based on literally every poll out there, Trump is also enduring the most attacks, especially within a weaponized “justice” system, that render his candidacy vulnerable.

That is, his candidacy as an official GOP candidate, anyway.

Haley and DeSantis, on the other hand, have become far more competitive with each other in recent weeks, leading one to wonder exactly who is backing each of them, and why.

Indeed, a recent report from the Washington Post found that Chris Christie’s recent withdrawal from the race has ended up being good news for Haley, who has enjoyed a boost in popularity following the withdrawal.

This boost is not insignificant, and it serves as a clear warning to Trump about the varied pieces moving behind the scenes, in particular varied entities that have varied interests in varied candidates for varied reasons.

“A poll released Thursday of Iowa voters found that, among Republicans, former president Donald Trump maintains a dominant lead in the days ahead of the caucuses. But it is the first to find former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley opening up a clear lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis …

The Suffolk University poll of 500 likely caucus-goers finds 54 percent saying Trump is their first choice, followed by Haley at 20 percent, DeSantis at 13 percent and Vivek Ramaswamy at 6 percent,” the media outlet reported.

So, in other words, Haley has gained effectively as much as DeSantis has lost over the last several months.

The loss is especially apparent within the key primary states of Iowa New Hampshire, which hold their elections on January 15 and January 23, respectively.

As Haley also secured the endorsement of New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu just before 2023 ended, she appears especially competitive in the Northeastern state.

Per some polls, Haley is just behind Trump in New Hampshire, which is definitely a major shift from even three months ago.

A recent report from The Hill illustrates this phenomenon.

“Former President Trump has lost support in New Hampshire since November, while Republican rival Nikki Haley has gained support in the state’s presidential primary,” The Hill reported.

Nonetheless, The Washington Post still believes that Trump is firmly holding his lead nationwide, at least for now.

“Despite a few positive patterns for Haley, Trump remains the heavy favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination, with about 6 in 10 Republicans nationwide supporting him for the party’s nomination, according to a Post average of public polls,” The Washington Post continued.

Needless to say, more than one woke commenter is gleeful about the apparently declining influence of Trump in key caucus states.

“Trump is running scared. Every hour it seems there is a negative Nikki ad,” a WaPo reader gloated.

Perhaps. Especially if Trump senses that Haley is backed by fairly anti-Trump forces.

Other self-proclaimed Biden supporters also piled on, claiming that the current president could beat the former president.

“As a Biden supporter I hope [T]rump is the nominee. I think Biden can beat him. If trump goes to jail or drops dead (if only) I think the optics of a Haley-Biden debate would be disastrous for Biden,” another WaPo reader commented.

Interesting, albeit ultra-woke, viewpoints.

It will be quite interesting to see where they might lead.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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