Apparently, woke universities do more than graduate students incapable of dealing with the outcome of elections, as evidenced by the nationwide tantrums snowflakes threw following the 2016 election.
Now, they’ve apparently gotten into Big Pharma (or big cartel?) empowerment as well, which is especially humorous given the anti-business, pro-Marxist front they like to put up.
In truth, they prefer the type of Marxism that predominates Cuba, which hardly empowers anyone, save the deranged elite.
In a highly suspicious move, two universities, including an Ivy League school are literally pouring millions into fentanyl injection sites.
That’s right, fentanyl.
As reported by the Daily Mail, “More than $5million will be given to New York University and Brown University to study two sites in NYC and Providence, Rhode Island.”
Right. Because New York doesn’t have enough problems as it is.
“Volunteers will be given the tools they need to inject drugs like fentanyl and heroin, including clean needles, and will be supervised by medical experts.
Safe injection sites – which offer drug paraphernalia to users no questions asked – first began cropping up across the US during Covid, but have been criticized for not offering counseling or challenging addicts,” the outlet added.
But of course. Counseling may actually save lives … and apparently, woke universities don’t want that.
It is deeply disturbing that the Dems have effectively decriminalized substances that have proven to be deadly, especially when accounting for the drug-laden homeless encampments across Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and other Dem-“led” cities.
So, between Brown and NYU, it appears the Northeast is trying to play catch up, especially by opening actual public injection sites.
In addition, these sites were also grotesquely advertised.
For instance, one advertisement bragged about the “safe” injections available, on the taxpayer dime.
“Don’t be ashamed you are using, be empowered that you are using safely,” the poster declared.
Completely sick.
Amid the two “safe injection” sites opened in NYC, one is located in East Harlem, and that site has done little to abate the drug issue.
However, it has significantly exacerbated drug abuse, along with other crimes.
David D’Alessio, who has lived in the area for a decade, proclaimed, “I have witnessed things I’ve never seen before … including brazenly open dealing, people defecating (in broad daylight), users with needles openly using injection drugs … and even a man receiving oral sex between parked cars.”
Needless to say, the comments on the article were vastly more on point than the moronic PhDs spearheading such an insanely irresponsible project conducting by outrageously irresponsible universities.
“It is funny how drugs are illegal, yet the Democrat party is spending money on them and even injecting people with them. That would mean that the democrat party is the largest organized drug dealers. And they say that they do believe in the rule of the law,” one commenter declared.
Food for thought, really. Perhaps these woke universities and cities and their blatant empowerment of drug addiction are really just a more “refined” version of the crack- and hooker-addicted Hunter Biden.
Others observed how the Democrats, once again, appear to be empowering cartels.
“Democrats with their deliberate strategy of allowing an open southern border are complicit in the drug trade! Democrats are a danger to the nation,” another commenter noted.
Amazingly, even across the pond, others clearly see what what woke American snowflakes do not.
“They are trying to turn NYC into LA … Democrats have completely and utterly lost the plot, it’s disaster after disaster now. Biden may need to be impeached just to get a grip on National Security,” an Irish commenter declared.
Indeed, distance does give great perspective.
Author: Jane Jones

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